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Day 6: Saturday Game Day... even if I missed it... And painting the bar purple.

January 6th

I had texted the gaming group that I was bowing out of sessions until I got my affairs in order.  I simply didn't want to deal with seeing my husband being happy around others but not me...

Then I had planned to go sell off things at the Swap Meet but things happened, my mom and I decided against it.  Instead I went to her house to have Rosca de Reyes, a traditional Mexican bread eaten on the 6th of January.  The person who finds a baby Jesus inside is in Catholic tradition supposed to present the baby Jesus statue to the church... but I didn't know that, my family always threw a party and whoever gets the 1st baby hosts the party and then additional babies get assigned food or drink...  Since it was just my mom and I we decided we would both pitch in to get tamales for just us or whoever wishes to join us.  Really we did it just for fun.

I took video and did not upload it and I do not have a before and after photo, but I almost didn't recognize her dog, Claire.  My mom took her to the groomers and a prissy dog emerged.  Where once her first dog, Wookie, was scared of her, now he was in love.  We found it very amusing to watch him follow her around and her walk and behave very prissy where before she was a goofy lanky awkward dog.

We talked about possibilities, plans, fears and concerns.  She known about my problems at home and has been so supportive and encouraging.  We talked about her own situation as we are unsure of what is happening with her house and meanwhile it needs a lot of repairs.

And on a whim, and perhaps to de-stress I suggested painting the old bar that I always asked my step grandpa for since it was just outside falling apart.

We had some purple paint and upon planning on bringing over my own furniture to attempt to de-clutter my house we thought the color would look cool if we made an outdoor lounge are.

As we finished the purple my brother got home... he said, "What the f*&%! are you two doing?"  Which made me laugh.  I proclaimed this a rebellion on my mom's behalf for all the decades she couldn't do whatever she wanted in this house!

The I asked if he had black spray paint and he gave us a can of some rubber spray on stuff...

I thought the purple was a little too bright after the fact, and I want to paint the bar top black to match the rest but all in all it looks good!

I made a youtube video too...

After all that I decided not to drive after all and came home.  I fed my animals and headed next door where the game had just finished.  My absence caused our team a character.  Had my octopus been there maybe I could have saved them.  Ah role playing games.  We play Gama World which is like Dungeons and Dragons in concept but in the future, post apocalypse.

I never say anything but none of it is believable to me at all.  But it's fantasy so of course it is not.

Since the game was over I went over to the back where they had a fire pit going.  I drank with them and played Cards Against Humanity with them too.  I felt like my husband finally looked for me.  When a joke was told he looked for me to make eye contact.  This is a good sign as people do that looking for their favorite person in the group.  Maybe not always, but generally.  And I did not know if I should engage or ignore.  I think I should have engaged more because at some point where he was standing near me, he was by the fire... that makes sense though, and where he would glance over towards me when excitement ensued, he began to look at our host.

I was a bit tipsy and sleepy so I went home first and got to bed.  Some time later he came by, brushed his teeth, and turned off the light to the porch.  I managed to say goodnight, and off to bed he went.


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