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Day 20: Baby Showers and Tequila...

Nadine and I wake up a bit late and finally drag ourselves out of bed.  We get ready to go and skip breakfast.  I need to buy a present for the baby shower since I couldn't find what I originally wanted to gift.  We stop by Target and grab a gift and baby wipes to be entered into the raffle.  We head over to my mom's. I take the Toll Road because I wanted to show Nadine a cool part with a nice bridge.

We get to my mom's and we can't find her.  We think she left, but she soon pops out.  Nadine's dad and sister went with her other sister, Bea, who is going to be a grandma again.  I put my gift into the gift back I had left at my mom's before and my brother has just arrived from going to the movies puts in a straw into the bag.  We all laugh at how funny it would be to leave it in there, so I do!  I announce I will say the straw is from my brother.

We grab the gifts now packaged up nicely and head out.  My mom wants to stop by the bank and pawn shop because she has jewelry she wants to pay interests on before the Vegas trip next month.  While there I take out my ring I had on layaway.  Now I have $9 bucks in my account... I really need to get to work...

We head over to the baby shower which turns out to be at a park, and not the apartments we originally thought.  The decor is so cute.  And it is good to see our cousins.  We play some games, we win some prizes, and we eat a lot of food.  The decorations and theme are so cute!

But it is cold.  After the cake my mom signals she is ready to go.  My uncle, Nadine, and Liz get ready to go too since they needed to go grab their things from my mom's and then go back to Bea's to spend the night tonight.  Bea, who is the soon to be Grandma for the second time, protests.  Because of this my uncle stays behind, but Nadine and Liz tell her they will be back.

My mom, cousins, and I head to the car as the win blows coldly chilling our bones.  It is not even that cold in comparison to other places, but it was too cold for us and we were not prepared for it.

We get to my mom's and Liz wants to go to Walmart.  Bea text's Nadine to thank me for the straw and Nadine shows me the photo of the mom to be holding both my present and the straw.  We all can't stop laughing and I run over to my brother in his room to show him.  He thinks it is hilarious.  The three of us head over to Walmart and plan to go to Bea's after.  Liz keeps saying Bea is mad.  Nadine gets a text saying for her to stay at my mom's.  Liz in convinced Bea is upset that they bailed right before the gifts opening.   Nadine buys a blow up mattress and some place mats for me since I was looking at them but didn't want to spend the 9 bucks I had left.

Liz wants to go to Starbucks and we all order drinks on her dime.  Nadine and I go to see the mugs and I spot a mermaid scale thermus mug cup thing.  I want it but can't buy it and Nadine calls Liz over to buy it for me.  I am reluctant to let this happen but I do.  I even tell Liz she is my favorite in a little girl voice as I hug her.  She buys it for me and I ask for my chai latte to be poured into it.  We learn a grande drink does not quite fit into the mug.  But I drink the left over in the disposable cup too.  The three of us have been laughing about anything and everything the whole time and Liz keeps asking if I am drunk or high, then remembers I was always like this when we were growing up.

We get back to my moms and discuss food options. I ask if they want to get drunk and jokingly call to my mom to bring tequila... but she does!  And of course we are all laughing.  I tell my mom to get a glass for herself too! 

I message my husband that I am drinking at my mom's and he shoots back with, "There is left over Lemoncello over here for you."  I get excited.  Is this an invitation?  Am I reading too much into it?  My cousins encourage me to respond with asking if it is an invitation to come home early.  He responds with, "I am going to bed soon, I work tomorrow."

Oh, so he just meant that there was left overs if I want any whenever I get home... Yup I am a bit too eager... I need to tone it down here...

My uncle shows up and we ask if Bea is mad.  He assures everyone she is not, that it is just that the apartment is full of presents and that her kids were being mean to her.  With knowing she was not mad I ask my uncle if he wan't to join in.  The five of us take a shot, my uncle two!

I post to Facebook joking that we drank before my brother got to it, mirroring posts my brother posts trolling my family into wondering if he is drinking too much.

We decide to go to the taco shop by my High School and grab dinner.  My mom insists on letting me borrow her Calvin Klein angora sweater cardigan trench. A Birthday present for her from one of my cousins.  I realize she has not worn it.  The tags are still on it.  I comment on this and she tells me she has not had a chance.  I remember she felt almost guilty for accepting this present from my cousin.  My mom is so humble and meek, she almost does not know how to receive.  I trade her my gold ring from the pawn shop which I just paid off my layaway receipt, for the sweater, the scarf, and the gloves she was offering to lend me.  I also leave my jacket as collateral.  A good trade my cousin Liz says.

Carne Asada Fries and Rolled Taquitos, you can't go wrong.

Finally, I decide to head home. I trade back the sweater and the scarf for my jacket, but the gloves are in the car still and I forget about  the ring. My mom is reluctant and I almost feel she wanted me to keep the angora sweater.  Amazing... I wish she'd stop that.  But she's so sweet!  I love my mom.  And I am grateful.  I assure her I am fine with my jacket, home is a ride in the car with a heater.

Once home two cat's are still out, and I give all the animals treats.  It's still cold.  I turn on the heater to warm the bedroom and decide to catch up on my diary.

Unrequited love... is this it?  Nah... this is something just so foreign to my understanding.


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