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Revisiting the name "Syren"

From time to time I contemplate this name.  It is a name I particularly love to see in written form and I actually love the sound of it when spoken.  But what does it mean?  It is a made up word or name that simply appeals to me.

Syren makes me think of serene...  It makes me think of the sea.  Some people pronounce it see ren... others sigh ren...
It was half chosen and half given.  I've said this many times before.

When I'd audition for singing roles, the panel would always do a double take, and onlookers would be in awe of my singing... Mainly because they didn't know what to expect until they heard it.  Because of this the name was given to me.

But the name Syren is derived of:

1.   Classical Mythology . one of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, who lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing.
2.   a seductively beautiful or charming woman, especially one who beguiles men: a siren of the silver screen.
 3.   an acoustical instrument for producing musical tones, consisting essentially of a disk pierced with holes arranged equidistantly in a circle, rotated over a jet or stream of compressed air, steam, or the like, so that the stream is alternately interrupted and allowed to pass.
 4.   an implement of this kind used as a whistle, fog signal, or warning device.
 5.   any of several aquatic, eellike salamanders of the family Sirenidae, having permanent external gills, small forelimbs, and no posterior limbs.
6.   of or like a siren.
7.   seductive or tempting, especially dangerously or harmfully: the siren call of adventure.
–verb (used without object)
8.   to go with the siren sounding, as a fire engine.
–verb (used with object)
9.   to allure in the manner of a siren.

With that said... Is the name Syren really so bad?

So I revisit the question...  to be Syren... or to be Maria?  And why do I like the sound of Syren Maria?

I guess I still think if Marshall Mathers can claim the names Eminem (I had the idea of turning my initials of MM into a stage name as well)  and Slim Shady... I can be Syren Franco.

Why Franco?  Why not Morales?  Syren Morales...  Personally, I simply like the flow of sounds with Syren Franco.
The name Syren is not as uncommon as I'd hoped and there are many who use it in the fetish realm.  But I'm taking it back and claiming that name for the positive side.

So there... that's my revisitation of the alias Syren Franco... it remains synonomous to me to Maria De Jesus Morales Franco (My full name).
Larisa Lawhead likes this.
Nathan Stairs "...part bird"???!!! We need to talk... unsure emoticon
Laura Yoder Stairs It is a pretty name...but I think Maria is also. But I can understand wanting a name that belongs only to you.


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