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Day 15: The first day of the year I did not hear or see my husband... and also hustling to earn money

I wake up fairly early but decide to go back to sleep.  I let the dogs out and set my alarm for 10:30 a.m.  I think about my husband, I miss waking up to him leaving for work, and I miss his goodbye kisses.  At least the bed is comfortable.  I can go back to sleep and dream about those kisses.

10:30 a.m. the alarm goes off.  I dismiss it and lay in bed longer.  Just as I am about to fall asleep I hear knocking and the dogs are letting me know we have a guest.  I get out of bed and get dressed to go greet my visitor.  It's my neighbor, D, and he was stopping by to hang for a few minutes and take a smoke break.  Since before we bought this house he used to come to this property to hide out for a few moments, but now we've befriended him and he is always welcome to stop by.

I thank him for waking me up, he is surprised and apologetic about it.  I explain I have an appointment at noon so I needed to get out of bed anyway.  His visits are usually very brief but this one is cut shorter by my having to leave for my appointment.

I stop by the bank and withdraw $220, my balance is now $21 and change.  That's enough for gas later, but I am going to drive today with the aim to earn $150.  I have to pay my mom $300 and have two days to do it.  Needless to say this is all very stressful for me to worry about money.  I do not like having financial obligations, or debt.  I am still struggling to be responsible in the fiscal department.

I arrive 10 minutes early to my appointment but the office is closed.  Not before long, two women arrive, also patients of someone, but they find the door locked.  I think to myself that I should have told them the door was locked, but I felt they would have tried it anyway thus I would have wasted my breath.  I keep waiting and soon after a psychologist shows up and unlocks the office suite as she asked me who I was there to see.

Once inside I make myself a cup of tea.  I think about needing to go to the Kaiser clinic and get my labs done, I could go after but now I drank tea, which I think counts as breaking the fast, and it is a fasting blood panel.

My therapist shows up and tells me she will be right with me.  Minutes later I am confused as I hear her ask, "Marie, right?" I correct her and she says she will be with me shortly.  Moments later she peaks back out, "Did you see me before?"  I tell her I came to see her the first week of the month and she remembers.

Already I am thinking this is a good session to say I will no longer be seeing her.  But I find myself sitting in her office and going over my family.  The truth is I do like her, and I believe in her approach though I know it takes time.  I don't want to throw my money away either and I already invested this much.

She keeps praising my emotional intelligence and perception about other people's personalities.  She keeps urging me to go back to school and become a psychologist.  She also keeps telling me she feels good about our sessions and that she feels we are connecting.  She is seeking affirmation and reassurance that I will be a reoccurring client.  I wonder if it is a sales gimmick.

After the hour is up I explain I want to see her every two weeks, because I can manage that financially verses every week.  I hear my inner voice disapproving of my decision.  I lack resolve.  But the truth is I mean it, I believe in her method and I want to see where it goes.

I pay her and ask for a receipt.  She tells me she can invoice me at the end of the month.

Around 8:30 pm or so my husband texts me telling me he is in bed now.  I tell him I missed him today, that I hope I can see him tomorrow.  I wonder if he cares, I feel he does not.

I drive today, for almost 10 hours but I earned $190.  I have to fuel up still and I had bought lunch but that leaves me with $160, so tomorrow the aim is $140.  Then I can give that to my mom in time...  then the rest of the week I gotta keep doing this so I can pay my cell phone bill and my other debts.  And finally, I gotta do it again to pay have the mortgage.

I think about my photography business... yet again I am putting it aside.  And I think about everything.  I am becoming a drone.  But is there an end to these means?  And are these means a means to an end?  Right now all I want it my husband to be bonded with me again, I miss him so very much.  Today is the first day this year I did not see him, or hear his voice.  He did not reply to my funny texts earlier, and the final conversation was nothing.  Have I lost him forever?  What a sad life this would become.  I check my faith and feel it will be alright.

When I arrive home, I am greeted by Togame outside.  She is the only cat that is difficult to get inside when it is dark.  I pick her up and take her inside.  The dogs are so pleased to see me and the cats are all running around.  This is a wonderful welcome home to have!  I don't want to split up this pack.  Everything will be okay.

I let the dogs out for a final potty break, and after they come back I get to blogging.  These days are so strange for me.  And this blog somehow helps me get through it.  Also I am seeing people are reading my blog...  I wonder if this is TMI for the internet....  Nah....

I did get to watch a bunch of YouTube videos on how to tell if he likes or or doesn't... and how to get him to be interested in you...  I feel like I should feel pathetic, but I don't.  I am not abandoning him.  How do we know that splitting up isn't the worst mistake we could make!?  I married this man.  I will fight for him.

Oh to go back to these moments!


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