On Tuesday, January 23, after a typical day and band practice with a raspy voice. We have a show coming up February 2nd so we are trying to get all our rehearsals. I did not see my husband all day and I do not remember if I did after we both got home. I think that I did because I remember him showering... but I am not sure. Wednesday I hung out with my mom. She wanted to run errands and go to the casino. We won a little bit of money and she bought me groceries. She did not have to but she wanted me to make chicken soup to get better. Her car was still down and my uncle was fixing it. I came home with a car load of groceries that my mom bought and I had bought but it was late already of course. My husband was already asleep in the Trailer House. I put things away and I texted him that enough is enough. "Get over whatever you need to get over." I said. "Next week you are back in the house." But when I woke up the 25th...