Honestly, once I posted my last post on Christmas eve I had already felt better, even though I have since deleted the rant. I got it out of me and could then focus on the good. I called over to my husband in the other room and asked, "Do you want to watch anime on the tablet in bed and eat the goodies your sister shipped over?" and he agreed. So I hurried over and got cozy in bed next to him. We binge watched Attack on Titan and ate pears, chocolates, and nuts. I didn't want to dredge up the negative thoughts I've been fighting, and I didn't want to think beyond the moment. In those moments all that mattered is I was watching Anime with the man I love. I am fortunate to be able to rest my head on his shoulder, and we were both enjoying the company of one another, sharing food and watching a show we both enjoy. I decided to go drive for lyft and got home at about 3 a.m. I went to bed feeling warm inside and I didn't want to change that....