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Texas Rescue Mission - The Departure of Alice from San Marcos, TX

I met Alice several years ago before buying our house in Jamul.  She had met me through a craigslist ad for a room for rent and after moving in and absolutely loving it with us she had originally decided to move to San Diego with us.  However our story of the home buying ordeal is rough and we had problems with escrow resulting in us not really having a home between sale and purchase of our homes so Robert and I had to live with our parents for about a month, first his then mine...

Because of that Alice had to plan her life around it, and even though her stuff was in storage with us, she ultimately had to arrange for a change on moving day and we moved to Jamul without her. I don't blame her, a month is a long long time!

It;s been a few years now since we moved here and Alice and I have kept in touch though I admit, I wish it was a bit more, but both her and I are the types that are bad about keeping in constant touch however are very pick-up-where-we-left-off in our interactions.  I was able to visit her for a valentine's day and have had a couple other opportunities too!  I have been from afar keeping an eye on her and being ready to offer support, but there was a time when we went dark and I mean we both didn't communicate and had a very dark rough patch...  Oddly enough the patch for each of us was similar.

After that she managed to visit me twice while not having a car!  You see, most my friends do not visit me, but she made it a point to get out here, and I just had to pick her up at the nearest trolley station.  She brought her friend Jasmine with her, and I must admit, I have wondered why she doesn't want to hang out with me just her and I usually.  But Jasmine is cool.

The three of us had fun but it was only two times she got to visit because late 2016 she asked if she could leave some things with us for a few weeks maybe months while she moved to Texas, but she needed a place to stay for a couple weeks too.  Of course I said yes, and she came down to stay with us between the move.

Alice had gone through some rough things and was only beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  While I didn't like her new boyfriend in Texas, nor did I like the idea of her leaving to Texas, I was still happy she was happy and hopeful and wanted to encourage her to do her best.  She had a job lined up, an apartment, and was happy to be moving closer to someone who seemed to love her so much, although once she told him she was going things changed a bit...

She only stayed with us for a couple of weeks before moving.  She struggle with all the luggage she took... the girl does not pack light!  I think she ended up hurting her back during the move!  But she made it to Texas and proved she can do anything!!!

We kept in better touch over the next several months, and even my friend Kurt, who got to know her over the phone while she lived with us and even offered her a side gig working remotely during that time, checked up on her and helped me be in the know about her life.  As the months went by I began to wonder if it was a good idea for her to have gone to Texas.  Her relationship was not what was sold to her... he had bait and switched her and they worked together so she didn't want to cause problems at work, thus she endured.  But work, as good as it was, wasn't enough to give her a feeling of thriving versus surviving, and barely.  Her apartment ended up costing more than originally agreed upon, she missed her son who was still in California, she missed her friends, and felt she had no support there.  Her health began to take a hit and finally she decided making it was time to dump Texas because it was better to be close to family and survive than alone in the wilderness.

Of course I was right there for her ready to buy her a plane ticket but time frames and last minutes called for an emergency 21 hour drive to go get her and another 21 hour drive back to California.  She had a lot of stuff, and a cat, and I needed to figure out how to get my butt out there fast and not fall asleep!

Luckily, not long before all of this, I had met Lisuli during a Lyft ride.  I wondered if she would be down to go with me.  I met up with her for the bonfire night and she seemed the type to fully enjoy these things.  I asked her and she was excited to go on an adventure.  I wondered how her and Alice would get along but I figured they would enjoy each other's company.

Finally, Feb 15th, two years after Alice and my friendship date, I drove out to Texas with Lisuli!  The drive was boring... pretty much nothing but desert and ancient tree stumps (you know them as mesas but I call them tree stumps).  I saw lots of roadkill on the way, even a donkey and an ocelot! Oh it hurt my heart to see a ran over endangered animal!!!

Finally we got to San Marcos Texas after NO sleep and I didn't even change driving responsibilities with Lisuly.  We watched Flat Earth Documentaries and even ones about the angent trees! LOL  I think Lisuli is not a Flat Earther!

We decided to go out for Thai Food with Alice, then back to her place for sleep.  The next morning we pretty much packed up, turned in her keys and left!  Alice was so glad to be out of there!  We did make a few goodbye stops on our way out, going to the river in San Marcos, and then driving to San Antonio where we had Vegan food.  Lisuli is Vegan and Alice and I have since the trip been on our way to being Vegetarian... mostly anyway.

Alice was shaken up by her last couple of days in Texas.  her now ex-boyfriend lacks maturity and caused a scene at work.  She ended up with PTSD even after being all the way in CA after that whole ordeal with him the entire time in TX!  The whole drive back was actually a bit more fun with the three of us though.  At one point in the middle of the night we stopped at the side of the road to look at the stars then played rave music and briefly danced under the milky way.  In my memory that moment was even more epic and longer than it probably was! LOL

The last stretch I couldn't stay awake anymore, and Lisuly finally took the wheel.  it was rainy and Alice and I were scared but I was so tired I didn't care anymore... why were we scared?  Because Lisuli said she wrecked her last car without explaining so we were unsure of her abilities, but she turned out to be a great driver!  LOL

Finally we got home, Lisuly saw where I lived and we decided we should hang out a lot more!  Something we gotta definitely do!

Alice finally settled in, her cat is getting to know the property, and she is detoxing from the trauma that was Texas!

Yes, this is the kinds of friends we are!  We stick together, we are there for each other!  Of course I was going to drive out to rescue her!

PS  Not sure when I will edit Part 2 which is basically a better highlight reel.


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