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What Flat Earth, Vedic Astronomy, and my recent findings about people's beliefs of Soulless Ones has lead me to...

(The things I think about) A break through... something I always knew but never understood... why things are the way they are. It's a horrible place, it's a wonderful place. Surrounded are we by love but surrounded are we by hate. And we get angry, we get offended. And we escape into pleasures of the flesh, even pleasures of the mind. And then some of us wonder if there is more and break away from that. We practice discipline and we reject sin while some of us still indulge and those of us who indulge inadvertently hurt and hold back those of us who are disciplined... sometimes we switch places without knowing... sometimes the discipline becomes a sin, and sometimes the sin burns away and purifies depending on our path and awareness. And today I was revisiting a concept, I was walking with God (so to speak) and a moment of enlightenment flowed through me where all was clear. There is so much to be mad about in the world but it doesn't matter. None of it matters. Your clothes, your iPhone, your internet, your job, your bank account, even your health... none of it matters because the goal is liberation of the spirit. There is more than one way to achieve this and each of us has our own predestined obstacles which we will navigate through with amnesia or denial... even cognitive dissonance. Don't worry about the people running this race beside you because the lie is that it is a competition when really it is not at all that. You are already the things you want, so why want them? And what does it mean for your soul to be liberated? And what does it mean if it is not? It's not for me to care what you think or believe nor is it for you to care what I think or believe. But it is up to all of us to be decent to each other and of service to one another while we are here. But if not, that's okay... Just pay attention to the obvious... there are always consequences to your actions, and your thoughts do become things.


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