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Friends, Gardening, and Tequila!

This weekend my new bestie Annie came to visit Alice and I!  We had a lot of fun goofing around in the garden, eating baked goods, and being silly.  I can't remember the last time I hung out with a couple of girls and had that much fun!

I met Annie through Kevin when he moved in with us this last time.  Kevin has lived with us twice before, and this was the final time to help him get on his feet.  Annie and him had an interesting relationship... Obviously they were a thing, but he was always saying they were just friends.  Eventually he manned up and professed his love, only to then cause conflict bringing their relationship to a rocky point.  But Annie is so loving and kind, I think they can work through anything and he agrees that he is so lucky to have her in his life at all!

Anyway, sadly, Kevin and I reached a breaking point too after he made some bad choices, although I understand his emotional place, but it caused too much stress for me and I opted for distance.  It's not easy to do when you've been so close to someone for so many years, but I understand now that it is healthy to do so and have been choosing my husband and me over other people's issues.

However, this was a conflict that affected Annie and Alice too, and believe me it got a little bit high school for a moment while I was away in Arizona!  And I don't mean to air out dirty laundry at all, just giving you background to how we decided to have a girls weekend.

So after the rift between Kevin and I, and the obstacles between him and Annie, and the discomfort Alice went through during the high school moments, Annie decided to come visit us all, first stopping by Kevin's to offer support then coming over and spending the night here to offer support too!

Kevin had mixed feelings but ultimately he came to the conclusion that it was good us three girls bonded... just not that weekend, he was a sour puss that weekend! LOL

First Annie helped me clean and get organized and then Alice and Annie joined me in the garden to plan some oak trees.  It was like I was giving a mini class, and we all felt so relaxed and healed upon gardening.  That night we had shots of Tequila and walked down to visit our neighbor to hang out and fill our fun cups with amusement.  Then we walked back in the dark, laughing.  My husband, Robert found us amusing and was pleased I was having a girls weekend, in fact he suggested it happen more often!  The next morning we ate delicious cookies which Alice baked for us and eventually had to say goodbye to Annie.

Thank to Annie's Snap Chat we were able to document our adventure!

I hope we have more weekends like this, perhaps even out elsewhere.  The last time we had a girl adventure was with Lisuli for the Texas Rescue Mission, but that wasn't quite the same!!!

Maybe next time I can get Lisuli to join us too!


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