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Day 5 Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

I did not drink the mixture yesterday, nor did I take any vitamins.  I had eaten a lot on Saturday with my mother in law having made and brought over delicious enchiladas, so I ate that for lunch and dinner plus seconds.

Yesterday, I ate Carne Asada Fries for breakfast and I had a waffle with peanut butter and strawberry preserves for dinner, although before I went out to drive for Uber and Lyft in the evening I had instant popcorn too... I didn't finish the bag though.  I did drink more water than I had been.  I still have to up this part.

O am drinking the water with 20 drops of H2O2 now.  Truth be told, I really don't want to this morning so it is harder to force down.Sometimes I don't even have an appetite for water.  But I was thinking about the benefits of doing this first thing in the morning.  Drinking a glass of water within 45 minutes of waking up (which I did oversleep today) helps hydrate your body before you really get going.  This gives you optimal performance.  If I am adding extra oxegen to the water and that is going through my system, then that is a nice boost!

Today I weighed in at 222.4 and of course I am wondering what is different now.  My eating habits have not changed much.  But perhaps it is a combination of things...  I helped my husband with roofing and although all I did was remove the plastic from the tar on the shingles so to help him move along faster sitting cross legged on the roof somehow felt like it was doing something to my health in a good way.

I had read an article about squatting and how westerners do not do it enough.  I certainly do not, but I have now been more conscious of this and I find I squat deeply instead of kneeling when working on anything on the ground.  It is no longer uncomfortable and it makes my hips feel better too.

Here is the article on the forgotten art of squatting:

Along with all that, this week I decided to truly clean house, and while I am not finished, it looks a lot better, less cluttered, and almost more like the sanctuary our home is intended to be.  I have thought about this too because while I was active and even experienced back pain at a certain point, I was not active enough to count it as exercise.  However, my body was indeed moving, and being clutter free and feeling good about that must be doing some energy work to remove blockages in my chi flow too!  I know, that sounds way too new age, but there is some truth to that too.  Stress doesn't help health and this was a way to de-stress and remove negativity from the mind because coming home to a clean home is absent of thoughts such as, "Oh wow, this place is a mess!  You are a failure as a wife!  Your husband probably resents you!"  Yes they are lies my my thoughts can be very cruel to me.

Also I have been actively choosing to be happy.  This is so difficult!  I have had two arguable three bad holiday seasons in a row, and my birthday lands on the 25th of December, Christmas day!  Last year my step grandpa was ill with cancer and passed away the first week of January of this year.  The year before that was harsh as well having gone through a really rough year and dealing with a rocky friendship which basically was festering and affecting everything in my life, or so I was feeling or letting it.  Arguably three bad seasons I said because the first hear here that same friendship was also becoming rotten, and while I had two of my then best friends with me for Christmas, one of them really blew up at the other and it was all just completely awkward and sad.  But the first Christmas in this house was salvaged and I really mostly remember the good.

This year I am absent of drama and scandal!  Well, my father is ill, but I am in good spirits about it because he is.  He is getting better albeit slowly... but surely!  And I don't know what to expect this year.  I didn't decorate much at all so far, and there won't be presents, but I don't care about presents.  I secretly want to just stay in because this is a sanctuary and we are in the mountains.  I hope we have a wood burning stove by then and we can sit by the fire with our galaxy tablet and watch anime while drinking hot chocolae, egg nog, even hot cider, and then maybe a turkey dinner.  Perhaps my mom will feel up to visiting for dinner.  Christmas eve most likely we'd visit my dad, but maybe the two will be reversed.  I am almost nostalgic to go to Catholic mass too.  We'll see.

For a while I almost wanted to have a party but my birthday is almost impossible to celebrate.  I cannot substitute it on another weekend because both my parents and my husband have birthdays the weeks before me, then it is New Years.  Then again, I don't actually want a party.  I just want a perfect day.  A happy day.  Maybe one where we end up not staying in and go on a random day trip somewhere.  Maybe to the mountain forests of Laguna, or to the desert.  But somewhere secluded.

Okay back to the point...  I have been actively trying to be happier, not stressing and quieting those negative thoughts.  Instead of being so anxious I am trying to think, "Whatever, it's all good.  Everything is fine." and just take in deep breaths.  I think it is working.

Also I am sleeping regularly and at night.  This makes a world of difference!  Gone are my night owl days, I am not even interested in being up at night anymore and I feel very different health wise because of it.

I did not drive much last week so I was up and moving more, but this week I intend to drive a lot, save for a Disneyland trip on Thursday.  But I am going to be conscious of scheduling myself to pull over and stretch, maybe do squats, push ups, jumping jacks, just to keep my body flowing.

These past 4 days I had dropped 2 pounds...  That seems healthy. By my birthday, at this rate, I should be down another 10 pounds.  By new years 14 pounds from now.  And if this rate continues I should reach my goal in mid May.  My target weight is 138 or so.  I imagine the last weeks will take some toning though, but that's fine.  By then because I'll be lighter it will motivate me to be more active too, so getting fit will be more fun for me.

I know people say do not look at the scale daily, but for me it is not about losing fat, as I do not believe that is exactly what is happening, but it helps me see that anything is happening with my body at all.  There will be days where I go up, because water.  I expect as much.  I might gain a couple pounds for my parents' birthdays since there will be a lot of good food and I plan to indulge.  This is a slow process, and I am already fat...  those two fluctuating pounds are a joke to me.

I just finished my glass of water.  Wow that was a hard drink for me.  I really didn't want to drink it this morning.  And honestly it does not taste great, although it does not taste bad either.  I am going to skip my vitamins this morning and take them after lunch.  I don't feel I can handle more earthy tastes...  And I might actually fo get myself a machaca burrito for breakfast.  I shall update you tomorrow.


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