Book of Enoch, "God" was mad at the angels who came down and taught us cutting of the roots (sorcery), or as I understand it, mind altering drugs.... Why? Why was this bad? But there is more to it than that, for the God of the old Testament seems a bit harsh to be pure love.... And yet He or he is important... I am beginning to understand how we are gods as Jesus told us. We forgot where we came from and are bound here on Earth... Which is why there is no everlasting life without death... We will be resurrected, but perhaps not here on Earth... but then again, there is a lot to think about there too... Is reincarnation a soul trap? Does our spirit have a chance at ever lasting life if we accept this illusionary realm as reality? Perhaps these roots and herbs are the sacramental keys to free our spirits through opening our consciousness, thus seeing our ego, soul, and spirit for their truths.