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Showing posts from 2015

The Return of the Syren

Goodness gracious!  I had been away for quite some time from my blogging. I was thinking last night how my life has been chronicled on the internet although mainly via MySpace in it's glory days... all those posts are now gone. I was also talking to a good friend of mine about how I used to tell all online.  Since those days the word discretion has been beat into my consciousness and I ultimately adopted the idea that it truly is nobody's business what I do and how I live my life. Today, I had a reminder that this has nothing to do with business and all to do with inspiration and motivation.  The sharing of ideas and concepts is a very important aspect to growth in all of our personal lives, and so, here I am, back to my blog. Since my last posts, obviously, much has happened.  So much, in fact, and so dramatic, that I could entertain you for moths if not years to come...  in fact, it has been years - so of course I have enough to fill that time span....

Tales of the Wolf Girl

Honestly, I am undecided if I like canines or felines better but recently I am all about wolves, thus the title. Anyway, this year rounded off so nicely thus far. 1- Got my dream job back, and realized I did indeed have a dream job because before the first time I worked there I didn't know this. 2- Been losing weight healthy and consistently although the holidays made me plateau a little. 3- Made new friends 4- House is coming along 5- Toxic relationships neutralized and relationships which were previously strained are now good. I turn 34 on Christmas. I look in the mirror and I do not fear aging, but partly because I don't look much different than when I was 24, heck I don't look much different than when I was 14 and I have pictures to prove it. I think I am one of those immortals like Keeanu Reeves.... But the truth is, I don't care if I age visibly or not, I think old age is a privilege not everyone gets to experience and 34 is still so very you...

Thoughts on Freedom (But nothing to do with upcoming 4th of July USA Independence Day)

If I don't need oil/gasoline to power my car anymore, what would happen?   If I no longer need gas to cook my food, what would happen?   If I no longer need electricity to light my house, what would happen?   If I no longer relied on grocery stores for food, what would happen?  If being off the grid simply meant we were part of a collective, free energy, and more organic human to human interactive way, what would happen?   There is so much us common people don't know such as other methods for power, but if we knew about it and utilized it, the ones pulling the strings would lose power and control over their very predictable and reliable machine we call a global economy.  And we all lose our shit over it, don't we?  We keep thinking about the economy and not the meconomy.  Yes, I said "ME"conomy, as in each individual one of us being in control of our own finances rather than the other way around.  Everything we spend our dol...

!8 days in, and I am gaining momentum...

So I was doing fine, losing weight, slimming down...  slowly, properly... January decided to be fat month.  And while I am not heavier or bigger than my clothes allow for, I decided to stop being so damn accepting of myself. Yes I love myself, I love my curves, I even love my chubbiness believe it or not... so am I happy with myself? No. Why not?  Is it self esteem issues?  Did the media get to me and now I think I should be stick thin?  F no! I do not accept my current health and weight because I do have self esteem.  Because I know my potential and am 100% confident I can reach it.  I do not want to be a gym rat, I hate working out.  Let me be honest here.  It's fun to do from time to time but I hate routine, and hate the idea of having to workout to a routine. So my solution is to have more fun to lose weight. What?  But how does having fun cause weight loss?  Well to me it is fun to go for a walk, to ride ...