Goodness gracious! I had been away for quite some time from my blogging. I was thinking last night how my life has been chronicled on the internet although mainly via MySpace in it's glory days... all those posts are now gone. I was also talking to a good friend of mine about how I used to tell all online. Since those days the word discretion has been beat into my consciousness and I ultimately adopted the idea that it truly is nobody's business what I do and how I live my life. Today, I had a reminder that this has nothing to do with business and all to do with inspiration and motivation. The sharing of ideas and concepts is a very important aspect to growth in all of our personal lives, and so, here I am, back to my blog. Since my last posts, obviously, much has happened. So much, in fact, and so dramatic, that I could entertain you for moths if not years to come... in fact, it has been years - so of course I have enough to fill that time span....