If I don't need oil/gasoline to power my car anymore, what would happen?
If I no longer need gas to cook my food, what would happen?
If I no longer need electricity to light my house, what would happen?
If I no longer relied on grocery stores for food, what would happen?
If being off the grid simply meant we were part of a collective, free energy, and more organic human to human interactive way, what would happen?
There is so much us common people don't know such as other methods for power, but if we knew about it and utilized it, the ones pulling the strings would lose power and control over their very predictable and reliable machine we call a global economy.
And we all lose our shit over it, don't we? We keep thinking about the economy and not the meconomy. Yes, I said "ME"conomy, as in each individual one of us being in control of our own finances rather than the other way around.
Everything we spend our dollars on is a loss of power or a helping of a certain agenda. We work so hard, at least the common folk, to receive a paycheck which doesn't belong to us. Immediately there are taxes withheld. The money left over already has debt attached to it thanks to the federal reserve. And with that left over money we already cannot rely on using it productively or even for pleasure as we have become needy children to the system, immediately losing half our salaries to rent or even mortgage if you own - though I do believe in this system it is a better way to go regardless of market trends as you are throwing money away on rent anyway. With what's left you have to pay for the utilities you rely on, such as gas and electric, even trash! Of course you don't want to be isolated so don't forget about you mobile phones and/or landline. And you gotta be plugged in so of course internet isn't really free as we have utility companies that offer the connection and it can be pricey because we want everything fast! Oh and we'd rather watch reality TV than read a book which would expand your mind and stimulate your critical thinking.... So there goes your last couple hundred bucks.
By the time pay day is over, you have just enough to buy a distraction rather than feel motivated to save it for a rainy day, emergency, or something of true value, that we go clubbing, to the movies, to an amusement park, etc. We buy stuff to feel better but it's a bottomless pit because that's not where happiness comes from.
So we as a whole, most of us, seem to now wander around almost aimlessly but with the delusion, or illusion that we have a purpose and we are accomplishing our goals, but man will never be satisfied this way.
We accumulate stuff, and distractions rather than form families and communities that are supportive and understanding. We, because of that, value things and not people, so relationships are easy to put aside for the sake of grasping tightly to our comfort. Have you experienced it? The bubble people? Do you live in a bubble where only you exist? Where is the empathy. Why can't many of us recognize that to look at another is to look at one's self?
Do you know many of our humanity changing leaders and influences have indeed done drugs, the type that rewire your thinking such as LSD. There are other psychedelic drugs which bring about an almost divine experience where the user no longer sees himself as one, but as part of a vast network, not just of us humans, but of everything. Sometimes people remember vividly what their visions or experiences were, and other times they forget, like a dream, but remember the message...
Steve Jobs said,
“Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin, and you can’t remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.”
As I get older and learn new things, still met with opposition due to misinformation and fear mongering, and sometimes with good and true examples, I realize that our freedoms are rather pointless. We are legally free to die for our country or speak against it, but not legally free to be in control of our own minds and bodies and more and more I feel our spirit is included in this. But the truth is the truth. As above so below, and I do not include man made laws in this. We are free to find ourselves no matter what anyone tells us. Unfortunately this is not an easy task, but the good news is, there is no one way to do it, and even the positive and perhaps even rightfully labeled "divine" experiences some people have with drugs can be achieved without!
So as Gandhi said, 'there is more than one way to the top." Regardless of what belief system you subscribe to, or how you live your life, if you want to be the ultimate you, and if you want to be free of all programming and status quos, you can be. We can collectively collapse or change the system. I'd rather change it, but that's because I find benefit to many things we are used to.
But I leave you with this question.
What if you knew what true happiness was?

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Jamul, CA, USA
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