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The Return of the Syren

Goodness gracious!  I had been away for quite some time from my blogging.

I was thinking last night how my life has been chronicled on the internet although mainly via MySpace in it's glory days... all those posts are now gone.

I was also talking to a good friend of mine about how I used to tell all online.  Since those days the word discretion has been beat into my consciousness and I ultimately adopted the idea that it truly is nobody's business what I do and how I live my life.

Today, I had a reminder that this has nothing to do with business and all to do with inspiration and motivation.  The sharing of ideas and concepts is a very important aspect to growth in all of our personal lives, and so, here I am, back to my blog.

Since my last posts, obviously, much has happened.  So much, in fact, and so dramatic, that I could entertain you for moths if not years to come...  in fact, it has been years - so of course I have enough to fill that time span.

Here's a few highlights:
- I fell in love in 2012, love at first sight type of thing and got married in 2013
- We had a friend live with us and relapse with his drug use
- We had a friend live with us with her boyfriend who accused her of trying to kill him.
- I won an award for best of Anaheim in Wedding Photography
- We bought a house in San Diego! A half acre lot... it's rural, it's paradise
- We were gifted an Avion trailer
- I released another album
- Now have 3 dogs and 2 cats
- We've lost two cats thus far to the wild life out here
- I performed in San Diego and they loved us
- Almost died and got my gallbladder removed
- My polyamorous nature got tested!
- Saved a friend from shooting himself by rear naked choke holding him
- I lost weight!
- I officiated my first wedding and it was same sex!- Tried helping friends and they over stayed their welcome causing drama when I asked them to leave
- I got a job at a Tribal Government Office.
- I became obsessed with dolls, repainting, collecting, and yes, playing with them

I have already posted notes from my Facebook to fill in gaps, and I am thinking it is time to enter my journal entries here on the web for all to see... although there are so many journals.

In any case, now I have more posts, and will continue to update the blog.


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