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Tales of the Wolf Girl

Honestly, I am undecided if I like canines or felines better but recently I am all about wolves, thus the title.
Anyway, this year rounded off so nicely thus far.
1- Got my dream job back, and realized I did indeed have a dream job because before the first time I worked there I didn't know this.
2- Been losing weight healthy and consistently although the holidays made me plateau a little.
3- Made new friends
4- House is coming along
5- Toxic relationships neutralized and relationships which were previously strained are now good.
I turn 34 on Christmas. I look in the mirror and I do not fear aging, but partly because I don't look much different than when I was 24, heck I don't look much different than when I was 14 and I have pictures to prove it. I think I am one of those immortals like Keeanu Reeves.... But the truth is, I don't care if I age visibly or not, I think old age is a privilege not everyone gets to experience and 34 is still so very young compared to the age I wish to live to (900 but I will settle for 150).
My new years is never the calendar one, it's always the mark of my birthday. It's the count of my times around the sun. And I've been around it 34 times this Christmas since I was born. Exciting! I love each trip around the sun, although some are not so great, in general, I enjoy my life quite a lot.
I am into dolls again, and this time with a passion. This is good because it refueled my creative side which sparked my motivation, which ignited my action taking. However with this I could not drop my newfound introvertedness though I do understand my current mentality. I just feel drained anymore when dealing with most people, but not everyone. So one of my goals in my 34th year is to find and attract people who recharge me that way I can truly take advantage of both my intro and extroverted aspects to my personality.
I did indeed reach many of my goals this last year although some came down to the wire, and some went unnoticed for a little while. So of course I am going to do more to achieve the goals in place for my 34th year.
One goal is to be meaner, not nicer. What? Well I feel that being too nice is not good and I feel I have been too nice thus allowing for situations which are indeed quite stressful for me and thus for Robert. So no more prioritizing being polite over putting ourselves first. I mean, of course I will practice tact, but honestly stings sometimes and so does saying no which I will be saying more this 34th year.
Another goal is to surround myself with healthy people. I am constantly working at being a better me, so I have to remove insanity from my life. I’m going to be more like Robert on this one, he seems to be zen all the time because of his awesome ability to not let negativity in.
And the one goal I failed at partially this last year but mainly due to geographical reasons, is to communicate more with family. I mean, seriously, I can write an email. =P
Oh, and I’ll continue to work on my health in all aspects of course.


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