LOL Arguing with someone about my being fat. I say I am, he says I am not. I say it's ok, it's true, I am fat, I like me, but he is offended that I would think I am fat. I do not think, I know. But I am okay with it, You know how I know? Because I was not always fat. This is not something you can convince me I am not when I know what it is like to be thin but I am bigger now.
Here's the thing, and I proudly say it... I honestly like my size today. Sometimes I feel bad about it when people talk poop, sure, but for the most part, I like the way clothes look on me. I like the way I feel under my own skin. I feel healthy enough to get the amount of physical activity I do want. I have no desire of stressing myself out to be thin... If I get thin it will be because of my lifestyle and not because I decided to diet and expend energy doing physical activities for the purpose of losing weight.
If I get thin it is because I am eating just as much but better, which I have been, and because I am doing more physically..... which I have been. I have gotten slightly thinner. It will be a slow process, but I got shit to do... You know? I just got shit to do and can't spend time to work out, it cuts into the shit I gotta do, and I am okay with that.
Geesh. I am not putting myself down, why is saying I am fat being a put down, it is glorifying it's negative connotation rather than being what it is... a simple state of being physically. I'm fat. Good for me. =)
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