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Whiny, Insecure, Bratty Adults... UGH!

Am I one of these?  I'd like to think I am not.
Whiny....  So I whine a lot?  I remember being told I do.  I might.  Maybe I do... I just hope I don't sound like that chick from Friends...  But actually I think I've cut down on the whining.  Robert says I go through moods...  I guess I need to be more aware of it.

Am I insecure?  No... Well I was.  I was... I remember feeling that way, there are remnants of it still but I've chosen to shed those feelings for they do not serve me.  No longer do I post selfies, no longer do I care.  Yes... I take the occasional one, my profile is a selfie, but I don't take daily ones: "Hey me at the super market, me at the fast food drive through, me at the suicide jumper scene, me eating salsa..."  etc.  Nope.  If I do it is more like... hey check out my new hair color since you haven't seen be for a while and I am usually the one taking photos of everyone.  I don't even care how cute or not I look... but yeah I try to look my best.

Bratty... am I a brat?  Hell yes.  I want things my way.  I want chocolate.  It is hard for me not to throw a mini tantrum when I don't get what I want, but I have managed to control myself.  I tend to get what I want through hard work and perseverance, but still.

Anyway...  I noticed a lot of my fellow humans haven't shed some of these traits and the moment I noticed it, the moment I realized it bothered me, I realized it HAS TO BE a reflection... where have I failed to improve on myself?  What must I work on within myself?I still joke about how I look on stage... but why?  Because I am insecure.I still grow impatient! Because I am bratty....And I still complain...Where else?UGH!  I must rid myself of these traits! 

Facebook Comments:

Kevin Mcshea was rilling eyes until the end... ice twist.

yeah ice can go with "haven't seen be for a while"

Syren Franco WTF are you talking about!?
Kevin Mcshea lol rilling... rolling...

Actually ties to the conversation... people who are constantly "I don't do drama" cause drama, "i don't care what other people think" judge all kinds of people and totally care. So at first it read like one of those statemen...See More

Syren Franco Ugh! WORST KINDS!
Kevin Mcshea what is the "worst kind"?
Syren Franco The "I don't do drama" folks.
Kevin Mcshea ok, wasn't sure if it was that or "visceral reactions" that you where saying was the worst
Syren Franco This thing was a bit about three different people I encountered today... and then I realized... shit, it's a reflection, what do I need to change? But while we are on the topic. Apparently I love drama. smile emoticon


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