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Am I a feminist?

Lets clear this up... I am not so much a feminist as I am an equalist. Women.Women sit here and complain about men and how they are treated by men when the reality is those women allow it to happen, and I am not saying this as some people would say rape is the victims fault... NO! I am saying, if he is not treating you as a person, cut him off! BUT... Same goes for men. 

Men complain about women too. OK, if you feel she is taking advantage of you then cut her off. If you cannot stand her, then break up with her. Stop wasting her time and hiding behind wanting to be the good guy cause really you are being more of a jerk that way... and again.. same for women.

Women who date the nice guy... I don't really like him, no chemistry, but he's sooo nice, I can't hurt him. To those chicks... you're a jerk! And you'll ruin him for the next girl who can appreciate him more.

So my point. Objectification goes both ways. Exploitation is a two way street. Everyone can be an ass hole.

Empathy is key. If you cannot remove yourself from your experiences and find understanding as to why and how the other person came to be the way they are and who they are, then you will always be victimizing yourself.

I guess that's all.

Facebook Comments:
Marty WbAnbu Srinivasan and 2 others like this.
Kevin Mcshea as is in the civil rights act -discrimination based on any “race, color, religion, sex and national origin”- it as all discrimination, and no one deserves it.
Katharina Livia Wait... I complain because I observe certain behaviors in society. I agree with you, if a woman doesn't walk when a man is being a jerko, it's her problem, no argument here, but when I complain, it's because in the Hollywood world, where I work, I cann...See More
Kevin Mcshea you have a big part of the solution just a few words before "It's how we treat each other in general that deserves attention and nurturing the betterment of those interaction"

Even that phrasing is great, "nurturing the betterment of interactions" and...See More
Syren Franco Katharina, it has been a theme recently. Usually Kevin and I will see something or hear something that falls into objectification and it really bothers us so we tend to go to one another to vent about it.

Recently in threads the theme of feminism ca...See More
Syren Franco Kevin, why are you awake?
Kevin Mcshea The comments, the links, all of it. worth a read and follow in my opinion.
On Saturday I came across an article on The Mary Sue reporting on Tess Fowler who had spoken up about some creepy treatment she’d…
Katharina Livia I agree with you. there is however still only 1 female role per 20 male roles, at least in film, television is a different story, i think tv is a big game changer in more than one way... i will try not to post feminist stuff anymore as it causes too mu...See More
Syren Franco That is why Kevin usually posts about it. In comic books it is a huge problem. Even as a female fan there are expectations. It's gross really.

Don't stop posting. I won't. That's why I posted this. Recently I have experienced something I had n...See More
Syren Franco In high school I dated this kid for a few months... I was an equalist back then too. And he demanded I wear a skirt because it was more feminine. I said I'd rather be able to sit cross legged on the grass at lunch and he shot back with, "Are you a feminist!?" and of course, an argument... hence dating ended. F people like that!
Katharina Livia Yes..... precisely my point... and then the argument from men... how the poor men have been pressed into a "role model" and are never allowed to express theri feelings bohooooo.. i was suppressed even more as a girl!! hello!? and did i become a robot a...See More
Syren Franco But some men do suffer, that's the point. Not all men are jerks, and to lump them all in together, we are no better than the oppressors of women.

Right now, believe it or not, there are more women in power than ever. But our societal perceptions and...See More
Syren Franco We just have to be better than that is all. We just have to set the example.
Katharina Livia Agree with you Syren and Jillian!! That's why I'm saying, I won't post feminist stuff anymore. Gotta find a new, better way, gotta be above those petty accusations.... We ARE better than that!
Kevin Mcshea being careful doesn't change anything... Someone who will do this, will do it anyway.

and Katharina... from your response... I don't see you reading... well any of it... I at least was saying race is the same... if someone treats you badly stand again...See More
Syren Franco Kevin go to sleep! Or don't cause tomorrow is friendship celebration day at disney!
Kevin Mcshea stop adding filler to this actual conversation, my sleep today will not effect your tomorrow. it is still Wed to me tongue emoticon
Katharina Livia Kevin, I wasn't referring to you guys, maybe you aren't reading what I am writing wink emoticon ... I was referring to people who comment on my posts about sexism....... (again, often I have experiences with men who try to overpower me, or tell me what to do or b...See More
Kevin Mcshea Also about Joss and equality now

His comments on the bottom as well as the founder of Equality Now's about the organization as well as Joss' mother. There is more than the below quote, but that seems the best for context setting if reading the rest is...See More
Katharina Livia Kevin, I wasn't referring to you guys, maybe you aren't reading what I am writing ... I was referring to people who comment on my posts about sexism....... (again, often I have experiences with men who try to overpower me, or tell me what to do or beha...See More
Kevin Mcshea I started out saying some really good things I saw in what you said... and you continued to take it as being attacked...

fuck it... it will be obvious... but hey... And oh, at least you can press charges for being raped by the opposite gender in ever...See More
Katharina Livia See what i mean??? It's soooooooooo obvious!!!!
Katharina Livia Kevin, I wasn't referring to you guys, maybe you aren't reading what I am writing ... I was referring to people who comment on my posts about sexism....... (again, often I have experiences with men who try to overpower me, or tell me what to do or beha...See More
Katharina Livia you are bullying me RIGHT NOW!
Katharina Livia Btw. the type of boy you are describing i am familiar with that type and those are the 2 out of 10 that are different. still there are 8 out of 10 who aren't.. do you get my point?? i hope so.. i have heard your argument and your pleading your case a million times.
Kevin Mcshea Boy I am describing? what do you mean describing?

"Btw. have you ever been bullied by a group of women because of the way you expressed your feminine side?" YES! Many times. Laughed at, put down, attacked... physically... sexually assaulted, and yes, ...See More


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