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Strange New Phone Scam?

Sooooo...  I am extremely annoyed.

 Several nights ago I got a call from who knows who with an East Indian accent.  They asked if Robert was home and I said now, may I ask who is calling?  And he asked if he could speak to his wife, I said I was his wife.  The tone then changed and he became angry, and yelled at me, "Robert has a girlfriend!  Yeah, he is divorcing you and you need to sign the divorce papers!"

 This was of course ridiculous so I laughed and said, "Oh he is?  We just got married.  And how am I going to sign these papers? Over the phone?"
And the guy still upset yells, "He told me he has a girlfriend and he wants to divorce you!"

 I then called him a liar and as I was hanging up he was yelling he was not a liar blah blah blah.
What an odd thing to happen.  No one had our house number at that time so it was not a prank call from anyone we knew.

 We get a lot of telemarketing calls though....

 And today a call from a woman...  Phone rings, I answer, nothing.... I repeat "hello?"

 Then a click and a woman on the other line, "Is Robert home?"

 "He's at work, may I take a message?"

 "Oh no, I am just calling him back."  she says sweetly...
Well Robert never gives people the house line and if it was important they would call his cell phone.  I didn't bother with it anyway and said, "Ok thanks." and hung up.

 But after started thinking...  are these the same people now trying to convince me that this lady is his girlfriend?  How silly!
All of a sudden I am wondering what the purpose of this scam is?  What is the goal?  I googled it but nothing.  Has anyone ever experienced such a silly thing? 

Facebook Comments:

Nadia Vanessa Franco-Tobias What the fuck? Call the phone company have the numbers blocked?
Francesco Atzei oh god! do things like that happen for real? i am speechless!
Syren Franco It's just so odd, why would they bother? And I have no caller ID right now, even if I did, these calls tend to come in as private numbers. lame.

Next time I will play along to see what the scam is. Haha
Ricky Rodriguez What if Robert's name is really Quaid....and he's a secret agent from Mars, who's identity has been stolen?!
Francesco Atzei yeah! and keep us informed! grin emoticon
Syren Franco Ricky, you just made me more excited about being Married to Robert.... though I am from Venus....
Calvin Lee get the girlfriend name? phone number and address?
Heather Reaves Were the prior owners also named Robert? Same phone number as the prior home owners?
Syren Franco No, the previous owners had different names... we get calls on the phone for a few other names too. But even those aren't the same. Just odd I tell ya!
Jelena Kiric It sounds like a scam to me, like they're trying to get you upset so that you'd fork over some info. Lol I'd mess with them in some way
Alicia Fowler How lame....and what an elaborate scam if that is what it is and it does sound that way....the scary thing is that if it's a scam and you were an emotionally unstable person that was already having rough patches with your spouse this could lead to a dangerous situation. If this is a scam, hopefully they get caught before someone gets hurt or worse, you know?
Syren Franco That's what I was telling Robert! What if they call someone who is prone to abuse or murdering their spouse over this?!
Guadalupe Franco Comprate una contestadora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin Mcshea HA! Like your moms response!

This doesn't sound like a scam... but they had Roberts name... sounds like some kind of just odd people messing with you... (besides he is smarter than that, he wouldn't be giving out the house number to the girlfriend... ...See More
Syren Franco No Kevin, it is some sort of scam. You are missing the point. This started happening the moment we plugged in the phone, before we even knew our own house number and no one else had it. It was a new phone number, freshly registered and Robert and I ...See More
Kevin Mcshea So then next time play it out, and give totally wrong information. What I have done to ones in the past. Helped me warn others, who when I only told them the start they then still fell for it.
Jelena Kiric Or you could get a movie soundboard online and when they call just play along like "What?! he has a girlfriend OHH YOU MOTHERF#^^%#}^!!!" *play gunshots sounds* then unplug phone...
Heather Reaves How about changing phone numbers considering you just got it? Phone co should be willing to do it for free if you've been receiving harassing calls the moment you had the line.


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