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These dreams are getting out of hand! Another airplane dream

In this dream, I was first at some sort of amusement park with Robert, my siblings and even the dogs.  There was a beach nearby and the parks were themed after iconic comic book characters.  When it became time to leave, Robert and I had to strap into something that looked more like a ride, but apparently it was an airplane.

The seating was not in aisles, but instead seemingly in a pentagonal shape sections made of three rows consisting of about 4 or five seats each row and set up in stadium style so that the back row was elevated.  I was sitting in front of a baby seat and was trying to store my camera bag beneath my own seat with access to the camera.

We were taking off and soon after we did we were landing again and on a road headed somewhere we did not plan.  I turned to Robert and said, "See?!  This is what happened before, this is what I was talking about!"The plane or craft was parked in some sort of terminal and the people deboarded.  I took Roberts hand and lead him a different direction.  This place looked like a mix between baggage claim and a department store storage.  Members of the organization which took the plane saw us and tried to stop us, we ran back towards the plane trying to find the street we came in through.  We were intercepted and I wit talked my way out of it.  I wanted my camera so I could snap photos but this time it was apparent that they were not going to return the luggage.

But in my speaking with these people I remembered that while running through the place I picked up what they called evaporated blood.  It was blood from their sacrificial victims, but somehow it was placed inside edible wax casings about 18 inches tall and 4 inched cubed on the center column and perhaps 6 or so inches wide on the crossed part.  I offered it as a bribe for them to let us go and they were happy to take it.  They lead Robert and I down a white corridor and prompted me to eat this blood.  My reasoning was survival first.  As disgusting as I thought it was, I could not show weakness.

I thought I could pretend to eat it but somehow not, but I ended up consuming it.  It did not taste like blood at all and more like a giant piece of candy with liquid sugar inside.  I wondered if this was a trick but I was at least glad the experience was not so horrible.  I know what blood tastes like thanks to bloody noses growing up, this was not it, not even the consistency, yet they were under the impression it was.

They lead us to a room where it was supposed to be the dive bar room, but it was an outlandish place and looked like those Harlem shake videos.  Just a bunch of pointless wild behavior.  There were men in tutus on stage, all on their hands and knees moving to the music.  Their backs arching to the beat, their heads tilting up and down, nodding mindlessly to the music.  They seemed flamboyant in behavior.  Then the DJ announced a special guest.  They called out my friend Chava's name and I noticed he was mounted on one of the dancers as though they were a horse.  He was laughing nervously but I could not tell if he was there by choice or not.  I called out to him but he did not hear.

A table over there was a man in a suit talking to some black either teens or early 20 year olds who looked a little on the ghetto side.  He asked them if they knew about some organization.  They said they heard that organization was bad.  He took out a pamphlet and said, "Really?  Because it says here that..." and he started reading testimonials from members of the group disguised as facts.  He was trying to recruit these two, this boy and girl.  And everything he read, and the way he did it upset me.  Forget where I was, what he was doing was wrong. Not as in morally, just as in incorrect technique to recruit.

I became frustrated and wanted to correct him!  I got up and yelled, "That's what this is?  A recruitment center disguised as a night club?"  The music shut off and everyone turned to look at me.  I was in a rage now for no real reason other than I could have done this better and I have to sit here and tolerate shotty work.  I began ranting on how things could have been done better.  I went on and on and all the members of the group were amazed.  I saw how impressed they were and somehow my frustration turned into how outside of this place my intelligence is not appreciated.  "See, I AM smart aren't I?  But no one listens to me or takes me seriously.  They want me to get into debt to get a degree before they listen to me and to what reward to me?  They won't pay that debt!  I don't need to prove it to anyone I know who and what I am."

All the while mind you, Robert was very calm and not really reacting much, just sort of going along with everything.

Some other members of this group walked in and started slow clapping my rant.  They told me, "He wants to see you."  But I didn't know who they were referring too.  They lead Robert and I down another corridor out into what looked like an empty parking garage.  It looked familiar, perhaps I've dreamed of it before.  Though it was empty of things, it was full of people.  All waiting to see this man I was told wanted to see me.  there was a tiny person, whom I thought was a fairy how tiny she was.  She was angry and for no reason tried to bite and attack me.  She charged at me but I just picked her up and I said, why are you so angry?  You're beautiful!

She softened.  She replied, "No I am not, I am a freak!  I look like a child when I am really 23!"

I told her, "Well I think you are pretty and that you should not be ashamed."  It seemed we were about to continue a decent conversation and that I was going to be able to change her perspective but there was a man next to me who was eye balling her.

He butted in and asked her, "Really?  You are 23?!"

"Yes."  She said with a smile, a little excited a man noticed her.  Something that apparently did not happen a lot for her.  "But I look so young, no one ever treats me like a woman."

The man with a look in his eye began flirting with her.  It was clear to me he liked really young girls.  It turned my stomach but I felt torn.  If she is 23, who am I to deny her of whatever joys she seeks?  Just because she looks child like does not make her a child.  But yet, this man's interest was still quite appalling to me.  I knew she really was 23, her speech, and even voice was that of a woman, and she was very interested in this man.

I turned and walked away.  Robert and I were gestured over to follow another person down a path to an office.  We go inside and there is a man at a desk with his feet kicked up.  He spoke a name, which at first I wondered if it was his.  I don't remember the name, it sounded ancient and mysterious.  Somehow at my core I believed it was the Devil's name.  But this man was not the Devil.  He proceeded to tell me I was chosen to be queen.

"Queen of what!?" I asked.

"You are to be the queen of the demons, though they are not really demons, we just call them that so they are happier.  The members of our organization are very human, but need a queen.  You were chosen."  He explained.

I remained silent.  Inside a rage building.  Another man walked in and sat down.  I looked at him.  He was a very attractive person and I got the feeling this was indeed the Devil.  "Are you?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded and that was the fuel my rage needed.  I somehow was not myself anymore.  Literally.  I was smaller.  Perhaps I turned into a rodent or something.  Perhaps I was a hamster or just a ball of fur but I was small.  I was now on his desk and somehow my will was all the strength I needed because I punched him in the face.  But even though I was so small, the blow was greater than it could have been in my human form.

Right after the blow I was myself again.  "All this just to crown me when I do not have any desire or intention to become your queen of anything!"  Robert and I walked away.

The next scene was years later.  Robert had been writing a book during the whole experience but not about the experience.  It's simply what kept him calm.  He had written a hockey book and it had gotten published and sold millions of copies.  I too had written a book.  The title was something like, "Punching the Devil in the Face".  It too has sold millions.  We were well off.  But for one reason or another, my body ached.  My joints were arthritis ridden.

I woke up just then... my legs hurt so badly, as though I had ran several miles.  I wonder if I was tensing in my sleep.

Anyway....I've tried to analyze this dream.  Here is what I came up with:

There are great plans about to take off, but I must be careful of the road they lead me on.  There will be people who take advantage, and even my friends can fall prey.  These obstacles can be draining of strength even vitality.  There will be distractions for the goal disguised as celebrations but they are not.  And while I want to be successful, the price of a crown must never be compromising of my own self and values.   The final message is, regardless of what I do, as long as Robert and I stay together and support each other, we will thrive.  The arthritis part, I think has to do with some of the pain of hard work.  I was happy, I was comfortable otherwise but I had this pain I had to live with.  In the dream I did not mind having it, I simply looked forward to spending time with Robert.  So perhaps it was a no pain no gain type of theme.

Anyway, I am tired of dreaming of airplanes getting hijacked by even entities or dying.



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