I very rarely have nightmares, and of course my dreams as a whole are epic journeys and a compilation of many themes so this nightmare was only a very short piece of my set of dreams last night.
There was much before it and much after but this was what stood out. I even woke up from it and woke Robert up in the process. I snuggled up with him to prevent further dreams like it.When I sleep I need livecontact, and I am not ashamed to admit, if I do not have that, snuggling with a stuffed animal helps, not because I am a child, but because the coziness puts me in a state I would be in if I knew someone else was there. Usually I'll hug a pillow, and when the dogs are around they end up sleeping at my feet and as long as I know there is that positive energy cultivating then I don't suffer sleep paralysis or nightmares. Well the odd thing is there was human contact but it was mild during this dream.
The dream:
I boarded an airplane where the passenger sitting behind be seemingly kept pinching my butt. I kept asking him to stop, for some reason it kept happening. The plane took off, a very steep take off with a very shakey start. The people even exclaimed, "whoa!" and the guy to the right of me said we were going to crash.We circled around a bridge with roadways much like the brooklyn bridge or golden gate but there were mountains the road and bridge attached to.
We flew dangerously close to the bridge and I wondered if the passenger to the right of me was correct. We cam around to the other side of the mountains and somehow I could see what the pilot could see, still this was no indicator to me that I was indeed dreaming. We flew right towards the mountains before the plane tilted semi sideways and we were now flying through a crevass in the mountain, more like a tunnel.In my mind I thought, "physics dictates this is imposible to fly this way, we'll surely die!"
I didn't know if it would work but I decided to text Robert before leaving this existence. I sent him, "We're going to crash. I love you!" And as I clicked send, we entered a cavern, it looked like a subway train station but it was not. The colors were all dreary and dark, browns and greys. We had landed just fine. And right then it hit me. I realized what was happening. I concluded this was a 9/11 incident. We boarded the planes and were taken elsewhere, but the flight number would be blamed for something catastrophic! I was in the middle of a conspiracy!
And as I looked out one of the windows I saw a man in a military uniform and next to him an alien, with those big black eyes... The being was dressed like a human but it was an alien, or at the very least it was someone wearing an alien mask. But I believed it was an alien and I started panicking. The pilot announced over the intercomm, "We had to make a safety stop in this secret military base, there has been an incident but everyone is now safe. You are the first to ever see this place so please follow the personel, we will be celebrating our saftey in the auditorium." Everyone cheered and clapped and were excited and like sheep exited and followed.

I yelled at them, "Don't listen! There's more of us than them! Fight for your lives, they are going to sacrifice you!" But the people did not even notice me and followed the military personell. I decided to exit the same way the crew did and found the highest ranking official I could find and frantically said, "I want to be like you! I love the new world order and the Illuminati! Please let me join! I can make your story believable! I know many people. I can be the survivor, or the person than missed the flight, I can make this a better sell!"
He looked at me, he was blonde and blue eyed and I realized, Nazi's were alive and well. I was not blonde and blue eyed, why would they take me... But he agreed! He said it cost $5 to join.I looked through my wallet, thinking to myself, "$5? This is ridiculous. Obviously I am dreaming. WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!!" But I was still in the dream, standing in line for a show... for a mass human sacrifice of the hundreds of passengers in my flight.
A big black woman came by to collect my money but took $20 instead. I did not argue. And I thought... "Well for Nazi's they are diverse."I needed to fit in, I needed them to believe me that I was trust worthy. I found some other crew members in consession stands... I had Connor, our cat with me for some reason on the plane in a crate. I asked if I could get him back and was told shorty they would sort through the cargo and get my my stuff and discard the rest. They had set this up like an amusement park for the passengers to find it fun and game like. How easily us humans get distracted and ignore the reality of life through focusing on amusement.
We all entered what looked like an opera house... but all this was underground, so you could see the rock of the inside of the mountain. On the large stage were all the passengers. They were given t-shirts cordinating families, groups and individuals. They sat cross legged facing the audience. The audience applauded and the passengers felt proud. Behind them immerged a varied group of aliens. All hieghts and body shapes. One specifically really tall one wearing a black robe. Their faces looked white not grey and for a momemt I connected the dots. Death, the grimm reaper... not a skelaton, but an alien.... They weed us out. And then the tall one lifted his lanky arms up holding a chain saw. Odd... a chain saw. And I knew what was next.
The people applauded, giving energy to these beings. Giving worship to false idols. I applauded to survive, maybe some others were too, maybe not. But as I applauded I manipulated my energy and intentions. With each clap of my hands I said, "You cannot have our energy, you will not win!" I realized some people around me noticed this and I quickly said, "This is so much fun right! Exciting!" They went back to watching. The audience all standing. I could not see the stage now because audience members were taller than me. I did not mind. But I heard the chain saws. I saw the blood splatter.
I realized the passengers did not scream or run or move. I remembered that aliens have the ability to paralyse abductees, perhaps they did that. Perhaps they used a tractor beam to guide the plane here thus the physics defying flight. I told myself again to wake up, this couldn't be real.If this was a dream, why aren't my powers working? I could have saved those people. I could have flown away. I could have done so much but no powers, I was a spectator. I was being shown something. No control makes this a nightmare... this was no dream, this was a nightmare I could not wake up from.
All the while something kept either touching my butt or electro-shocking it with static and that was really irritating me the whole time.I looked to my right and there was a woman about my age. Curly hair, big smile, hipster glasses, seemingly latina. She looked familiar. "Do I know you?" I asked, but she shook her head to say no. Still wanting to fit in and not cause suspision all I could come up with to say then was, "Better than Gwar isn't it?" Audience members drenched in human blood in the front rows. Not me. Not a drop. And I was so sad. I would not be able to tell Robert, he would not belive this, that is if I ever was allowed to go back to him.
Then I woke up. And I feel someting toughing my butt. Well it was Robert's hand. Not on purpose but just the way we were positioned, I was on the edge of the bed in the fetal position kinda, and his had was very lightly brushed up agasinst my bottom. From time to time his fingers were twitching from whatever he was dreaming of. That explains that part of the dream.
The big black woman... I was watching rediculousness last night, she looked like a lady I saw there. And the plane? I was watching agents of shield.... that explains that. Military? Kevin S. was over here watching the military channel before I asked him to change it... Okay that explains that. My cat? I watched Once Upon A Time In Wonderland and the Cheshire cat scene stood out. The rest? I really don't know.Ah... such imagination I have. =/
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