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Ephesians 4:29 On My Mind

Ephesians 4:29 New International Version (NIV)"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

I have been thinking about this verse today. Which is funny because my sister in law posted a video which mentions this, actually a couple verses after this...

I was thinking about the power of words.  Words are our way of evoking thought forms and manifesting them into feeling, which effects actions which build our reality.

What does this verse say to me?  (This is my take not something a preacher told me)It's not specific as to what is corrupt, and that can be open to interpretation when weighed against other books within the bible, but I can tell you what sin is.  Sin is something whether thought or action, which deteriorates your life or the life of another and I extend this consideration to other life beyond just human.  Thus sins can be your own selfish actions which do effect others...  Substance abuse, pride, lying, gluttony, sloth, pride, stealing, wrath, etc... all these are easy to justify behind "it's all me" when the reality is it's effect is communal and when you affect others negatively it spreads in wave form, rippling out to places you may not be able to see.

So back to the verse.  You can speak about sex, you can speak about violence.  I hold to the idea that it is not necessarily a sin to do so, however, the way you speak of such things will change whether or not it is a sin.  Are you glorifying horrific acts?  Whether or not you are joking with your friends that someone is a pedo, or a drunk, those are still put downs.  There is zero benefit to anyone to do this.

There is zero benefit to a band flipping off their audience.  There is zero benefit to you calling your friend a bitch or a fuckface...  Now hold on... But I typed those words right now!  That's what I mean, but I am not glorifying them.  I am not a fan of censorship, but there is such a thing as grace.

So I was thinking about this.  I was thinking about when I do complain about the negative behaviors of someone or myself.  I was thinking of how I joke with friends because it's socially acceptable.  I was thinking about how crass I can indeed be at times.

It's unacceptable!  Why do I allow myself to be subjected to such language, and behavior?  While I stopped watching horror movies because one day I suddenly realized I was programming negativity into my psyche and I did not want it.  I've been so much happier since I did so.  I don't like to watch anything but intelligent comedies, but yes, I watch other things from time to time, I just prefer feeding certain things to my psyche.

I don't like to listen to songs with depressing lyrics.  It's why I like Christian music although I admit I do not enjoy worship music, it gets old to me as it provides no inspiration, just praise elswhere and yes, God deserves praise, but music is a very real way to influence our thouts as well.  Worship music doesn't help us get rid of bad thinking habbits.  Scientifically it does not.  It is not bad, but it does not reprogram the minds habbit of thinking certain things.And while I still love dragons, I don't have art work of hellish things all over the place even if I love fantazy creatures and enjoy zombie shows like Walking Dead and 28 Days Later (see I do watch mild horror once in a blue moon).

We as a society are bombarded by sheer and utter crap!  Negative images and ideas in abundance, and sometimes it becomes exhausting to seek out the positive.  I wonder how us speaking of those negative things, negative news stories and events.... we speak of such horrific things... I wonder how much that contributes to our depression as a whole and our anxiety as a society?

There is nothing wrong with knowing that there are horrific things out there.  Obviously we know cancer is very real, that dogs get run over, that children get abused, and that wars has casualties, but there is so much beauty besides all that.Why not focus on how to ease someone's urges to harm others rather than the harm someone can do?

So when I complain, it's bad.  When anyone complains, it is super bad.  There is no benefit.  When I voice concern to someone so to find a solution and then follow through with action to rectify the situation, that is ok... again there are good and bad ways to speak.

So when I read that verse, I think, be more of an introvert.  Speak only the benefitial.  If it makes someone laugh, or smile, or inspires them, then great!But dirty jokes make people laugh too, right?  Well yes but again, it is glorifying the filth in life.  It is even called a dirty joke.Even the most devoted Christians, Muslims and Jews, whom all have similar scripture in their holy texts violate this from time to time.  No one is perfect.  The aim is to be self aware and concious of your own actions so when we slip we can correct it and avoid spiraling into the deep end.

I am making it a goal to really try to avoid people's negativity.   I think I've been doing alright, but even I myself am guilty of getting negative sometimes.

3 people like this.
Guadalupe Franco no te entendi bien, pero como decia mi abuelita" calladita te ves mas bonita" es asi???? =)


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