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Showing posts from 2011

Me, Myself,and I

Just to confirm.  I love my apartment.  I love my job!  And I love my hair. I spent time in Yuma on the 5th and crossed over to Mexico with my aunt Elizabeth and her family.   Upon waiting in line on the way back I spotted this bottle outside a liquor store.  Ivan and I went over for a photo op. I fully enjoyed spending time with my family, it indeed re-energized me. Settling in back in my apartment, I had a moment of vanity and took these selfies... I love myself. Honestly, somewhere along the lines of fear and blame... I forgot that I love myself.  I am glad I remembered again. I love that I can stand on my own.  It makes me feel ready now, something I was not before perhaps?  But I do feel that for myself, this is a completing factor for me. Maybe Nate was right.  We needed to know we can live apart this way and date and maybe this will strengthen us.  It's been rough lately.  But I am liking all of this. ...

Airing my dirty laundry

Since I lack a therapist I turn to the judgments of the inernet. I've pondered whether or not I could be bipolar....  I've pondered whether or no people in my life are bi polar...  but the only absolute I ever conclude as that we all have the capability of pushing buttons and thus my buttens get pushed as well. I tend to be easy going and my co-workers have said, "there are times where I think you will just explode at me, but you never do, you are always so sweet!".  It's true!  I don't explode in professional or formal settings. I don't see the reason behind it.  Not only that, but they do nt push my buttons.  If there is something that happened to upset anyone, the mistake was recognized, dealt wth, and we all move on learning from the exprience both ho to avoid it an how to anticipate... No one is upet, and no one will bring it up when something else goes wrong.  The end result, the company or event keep going and goals continue being ...

I wished for a bike, and the genie granted it...

Yesterday evening as Nate and I set out to venture over to the dog park with Sophia, I noticed two items abandoned in the parking garage... a vacuume cleaner and a Novara Aspen Commuter Bicyle.  I was so delighted to see the bike... I might mention I have two bikes sitting in our apartment... a Diamond Back bike (which actually belongs to my younger Sister Aisha but I am borrowing it until I get my own or she desires it back) and a Giant Bicycle meant for mountain terrain (which is actually my dad's and borrowed with the intent that Nate would join me on rides, however it's flat and we need a special adapter to fill the tires with air). In my mind I no longer have a bike to my good name, though I once had plenty.  I built one, I bought one at a yard sale, one was given to me by my dad, and another bought used as well (a banana seat), but all those bikes since I left home at 18 have since been donated, taken, or given away...  So now I have only the borrow...

Me and my dog...

Thought of the evening: Sophie is more than just my dog. She's my family. I will never abandon her. I will never give her away nor sell her. I will never move into a place that does not allow dogs. It is not an easy choice to bring a dog into one's life. Nate and I made the choice (granted I pushed). It breaks my heart when people aren't committed to the animals that love them unconditionally. I I know it annoys some folks that we take her everywhere, but so what? I am the only one who lives my own life not them... If it is an inconvenience to anyone, then that sucks, but why would anyone want to take this joy away from us, and from Sophie too? Sophia lives a great life compared to many dogs out there. She is happy, even though sometimes she is bored. It kinda makes me think of when I was a kid.... would someone ever have told my mom, "You should give Maria away because she deserves more." or "You should re-home Maria because you ignore her w...

A dog's day at work

Sophia came to work with me....  She ended up bored... Not bored but this is me at my desk. We went for a little walk and these are photos I took while she happily sniffed around. Not super impressive but this was fun... these were unedited and I used my wide angle fish eye/macro attachment with my nikor 18-55mm kit lens.

Fire Angel Visitation

I posted this on my wall: "Another dream... Last night I dreamed of a fire angel. It was so beautiful yet fierce. I told it I knew it lived in the clouds, that I've seen the fire above them and it flew away. It spoke to me in thoughts and feelings, and I knew what it was here to do. Ah dreams... I want to be able to sleep longer when I have these types of dreams." Upon further contemplation I've come to this interpretation of my dream... The angel is an idea or intention visiting me to remind me to keep the passion... but also to enlighten, purify and transform me.  When I recognized the angel it slipped back into the clouds, almost as though it was upset at me, I think this is because I resist this process.  I always resist... I've been resisting for 10 years, perhaps longer...  I accept bits and pieces but do not complete this tranformation of mine. There was more to the dream that effects this message and that this message effects in return but I am...

MSI list Goal is to have as many as possible.

1. My primary job...  Admin @ Morasi 2. Jafra Consultant/Manager(I need to get back up to that level first) 3. Blogger income (hey it's getting bigger) 4. 5.  store (I need to reactivate it and keep up with it) 6. My own photography... (need a computer to better work with outside of Morasi) -photography studio.  I got the green light on a space... I will earn some money off of managing the rental space -my own photography within the studio (need to build portfolio + market) 7. band promotions/productions etc...  (I want to put on shows from time to time... this is something I need help with.  I won't be marketing my own stuff, I want to market other bands.) 8. Videography/editing (need a computer same deal as with photography) 9. Music sales.  (Need to finalize copywrites with cowriters) -need to record my own stuff...  need to network with people/hire people to play parts I cannot play myself for th...

Revisiting the name "Syren"

From time to time I contemplate this name.  It is a name I particularly love to see in written form and I actually love the sound of it when spoken.  But what does it mean?  It is a made up word or name that simply appeals to me. Syren makes me think of serene...  It makes me think of the sea.  Some people pronounce it see ren... others sigh ren... It was half chosen and half given.  I've said this many times before. (recap) When I'd audition for singing roles, the panel would always do a double take, and onlookers would be in awe of my singing... Mainly because they didn't know what to expect until they heard it.  Because of this the name was given to me. But the name Syren is derived of: siren- –noun 1.   Classical Mythology . one of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, who lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing. 2.   a seductively beautiful or charming woman, especially one who...

7 things I love!

So in honor of the theme of St. Valentine's Day, here's a list of things I love: 1. I love Nate! I love Sophie! They are my immediate family and daily life whithout which I would not be so happy to be where I am today. 2. Speaking of family, I love my mom! She used to send me flowers every v-day at school which boys would try to claim they sent... 3. I love my dad! I wish I would have had more memories with him growing up, but I am grateful to have today and the opportunities to build memories now. 4. I love my older brother Joe. He inspired many things in me that are a major part of who I am today. I hope to have the opportunity to grow closer today and tomorrow. 5. I love my younger siblings, all five of them, each for their own unique reasons. They never cease to amaze me in how similar we are even though we didn't have so much time together growing up. 6. I love my friends... I don't have many, and I don't stay in close touch... this is something I wan...