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If you are a man wanting to date a woman, please know her biology... and vice versa...

I don't think any of my male friends would have this problem, but...

What business does any male have wanting to date a female if he doesn't know anything about them?  And I don't mean emotionally or psychologically, I mean biologically.

If you think if we are on our period we pee blood, please read a book about reproductive systems in both male and female.

If you didn't know there are three holes doen there, the urethra where we pee from, the vagina where babies come from, and the anus where we poo from, again, read a book on reproductive systems both male and female.

If you do not understand the menstral cycle, and why we bleed, and how many days after that we ovulate...  you know what, seriously read a book about this....

If you think breats are just sexy but are appalled by mother's breast feeding, OMG please go live on an island in isolation.

PMS isn't real...  don't fall for it.  However, women do get cramps, some of them anyway, and the painfulness of that varies... their personalities will determine how irritable they will be because of the pain, but that will most likely be during their menstruation.  Other women you would never even know when they are on their rag.

Tampons and pads are uncomfortable.  End of story.  And most products are unhealthy but the majority of women use them... there are cups you can use which are healthier and you insert them, they collect, the woman empties, washes and reuses... it's a great product, and if you are male and can't handle the gory aspects of women, please go live in your man cave and stop pursuing women.  If you are a woman who knows nothing about your body, please grow up.

There are many more things, and I will say this too...  Women, if you know nothing about a man's biology, please stay single and stop complaining about not having a boyfriend.

If you want something, you gotta know what your are wishing for.

True story, I drew a diagram for several of my male friends, and a couple Ex boyfriend included cause they didn't go through sex ed in school.  Sadness...

And I have heard females say "ewww"  to the idea of proper reproductive sex.  I mean really?  You want a baby but throw up at the thought of a cream pie?  Grow up.

Facebook Comments:

Syren Franco None taken, but it just goes to show why there are problems with dating. Women do the same thing about penises believe it or not. Sex if fine but they don't wanna know more than that.
Syren Franco OK correction, PMS is no excuse to be a bitch, but we may not feel 100% healthy as we are preparing to lose blood from our uterus. How's that?
Kevin Mcshea Premenstrual syndrome, is false, Premenstrual symptoms though are very real. One is applying that it is a specific everyone has it, or a specific set of things etc etc. Some only get cramps (and pain is a totally valid reason for mood swings) some get...See More
Calvin Lee I had sex ed in high school in Asia besides our core math and science... Third world teach em, why some schools in USA exclude em?
Syren Franco Calvin, all schools in the US teach sex ed, but you need parents permission for it and many parents do not give their permission so the kids grow up into sex ignorant adults. frown emoticon
Shawn Augsburger I might add that while virtually every public school afaik in the US teaches sex ed that in some cases the quality and or accuracy of the information leaves something to be desired. If you look online there are plenty of stories about schools teaching...See More
Kevin Mcshea I got through with never having taken sex ed, and my parents actually looked into why i had not, turned out by passing over a science class by testing higher, I skipped it... and then health class in high school was just pathetic and barely covered anything, and you could completely fade out and still pass... only know what i do from obsessiveness.


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