Last night I have yet another epic and lucid dream... But there was a scene, which today listening to NPR and watching my Facebook feed I realized was a theme for me to address throughout the day and I can see how it worked it's way into my psyche. A Note to my self: Poverty, not poverty on a grand scale, but person to person. Why are you poor? Firstly poverty is a mindset of lack. I know this. I've learned this. And poverty can mean several things but I am talking about financial poverty. In the dream I was talking with a friend and he bragged about living like a rich man but I observed him sitting at the cafe table, coffee in hand, and I observed his lifestyle in general to which I was compelled to answer, "You do not live like a rich man, you are poor. Do you know why? Because you think like a poor man. Do you know why? Because your parents taught you to be poor." I went on explaining that we learn o...