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Showing posts from March, 2019

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My mom asked me today if I've been depressed since she's moved in.  She added the question if I feel that she's taking up my home.  I told her that I haven't had time to be depressed.  The other day I had some thoughts creep in and I was going to take a moment to process them and reject them.  I didn't even get a chance for that because when I realized that I was having negative thoughts I was interrupted by the sound of her singing opera from the kitchen.  It didn't oi me for a split second, but it was followed by laughter right away.  So tell me, how is that a bad thing?  She's taking up the space that I would feel with negativity and she's replacing it with laughter.  And that's what it's all about.  No one else could do that for me right now.  But my mom can.

What is control anyway? What is expectation in love?

I don't believe in control. I can influence, and place my intention into my day, but control is just a false idea of your maneuvering. If there truly is control it is of yourself only and if you feel outside forces have control of you it is because you are letting them... But also... lets talk about love, because we find ourselves disappointed or frustrated but that only comes from expectation. I see nothing wrong with expectation as long as it is not unreasonable. For example I expect my partner to be kind, and considerate, basically to be a decent human being... My partner would expect the same of me... But sometimes they just plain ole don't want you that much, just a little, just when it suits them... well, then your expectations should shift to yourself. I expect myself to treat myself better and one way is to remove myself from crappy situations... The disappointment if I were to stay is not in them, it is in me for being in that mindset ...