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I've been waiting for the free time to do it, but I've been talking about it for YEARS!

I am going to start filming for my YouTube channel. Just the one, the Syren Franco channel.

I want to interview people I admire, my peers, my role models, people who follow their dreams and passions no matter what! People who persevere...

But travel costs money so this will be a slower process...

In the mean time, I want to post anti-tutorials... "Syren, what the heck is an anti-tutorial?" I'm coining the term, It's a tutorial without being a tutorial, more like me sharing what and how I do something and of course it will be mostly make up... But I also want to do some photography ones, actual ones... I'm no super star photographer though, but I know a few things. Although the photography ones will indeed go into the photography YouTube...

I want to make videos using the products I endorse to pay tribute to the things I love... Example, a Jafra make up tutorial to pay tribute to comic books! Like, maybe I want make up inspired by Rogue from X-Men... Maybe I want to do my nails to match my Batman outfit that I offer in my eBay store, Nerdy Sweets Boutique.

Maybe I just feel like showing people how I relax and do a video of me having an at home spa night, soaking my feet, treating my skin, whatever...

Maybe I want to share how awesome my new hair care routine is which restored my hair from it's previous bleach fried condition to voluminous and wavy again... (It actually curls like it did when I was a kid without using the hot rollers.

Sometimes I'll share life hacks... natural living stuff... etc...

I'll show you how to both lose weight easily, and gain weight fast! Yes pizza! and simple workouts. LOL

I'll comment and give my opinions which are of no consequence to anything but at least can open up discussions... in fact, I want to arrange "Join or Die type of discussions with friends if possible and film it!

I want to show everyone the goofy side of me, which you would think is just a facade... but no... I am actually like that all the time... Syren Franco isn't a persona given to be by the Illuminati... don't be silly, they aren't real... Syren is the nickname I ended up loving and naming myself in my adolescent years... Franco is my maiden name, not a made up name... Actually Morales Franco but I love the idea of matriarchal surnames, so I went with Franco.

And I've been hiding, and I feel I have more reason to hide now after terrible events, endings to friendships, etc... I've always suffered a feeling of being alone, although perhaps I am not lonely, but I definitely feel like my planet got destroyed and I am the sole survivor of my race living out my years here on earth hoping I can somehow inspire or help the inhabitants... I suffer social anxiety but people think I am a social butterfly... believe me, it's an odd mix of confidence and skepticism over people's interest in me. Honestly, why should anyone care what I do or who I am, and yet, I don't care either I just want to share and enjoy company! But the anxiety is there anyway. I muscle through it when the phone rings, when in public... I am both an introvert and an extrovert! Hence the anxiety! In any case, I am looking at the clock now, and I know my time starts at 5 PM... Although the first hours will be spent at band rehearsal... and tomorrow I have a doctor thing, and then meeting with a photography group... and I am excited about all of this! I am excited about sharing Jafra! I am excited about my photography! I am excited about my new band! I am excited about my eBay shop! I'm just excited!!!


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