My dreams are always vivid, lucid, elaborate and very cinematic...
This is only a small part of last nights dream, and I will follow by my interpretation of it.
I was sitting with Robert and Derek when Robert noticed I had a worm coming out of my skin on my fore arm. He pulled it out but noticed there was another. I saw two worms on him as well. Of course Derek expressed his shock.
Then my focus was on myself, were there more worms? How did they get on me and why? I noticed there were bumps close to my inner side of the elbow crease. The moment I was aware of these worms, which were somewhat maggot like but longer with black heads, they began to dig out of my body, out of my skin and soon my arms were bleeding from the exit wounds.
I noticed how ugly this all looked and wondered where else there were worms. We tried to collect them so they did not climb back in or into someone else. I held my arms under a black like and saw snail like trails all over which I somehow knew were trails from the worms crawling under and through my skin.
My interpretation:
There has been negativity draining me, feeding off me and the moment I am aware of it, I can exorcise it. I have been or have a desire to expel this negativity from my life but it is indeed a draining process.
Interesting. I think I know why this dream happened, but still interesting. Gruesome too!

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