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Conversations: Negative vs Realistic

Last night in talking with a friend we discussed negative mentality vs realistic mentality.

And it came up... the being overly positive when it's actually forced.

So I got to thinking, yes I try to post a lot of inspirational stuff, and perhaps a few friends roll their eyes but I keep doing it.  Those who know me, and experienced me know that I am actually highly emotional... well sort of.  I keep it inside but I can't help feeling certain ways about certain things.

I do not ignore than life has some horrible circumstances.  I know there are.  But when I can't change them I try to change my outlook.

Once a pervert messaged me.  He said, "Thank you for your profile pictures.  They are perfect for my morning ritual."  In case you do not know what that means, he meant he was masturbating to my photos, which were not even "sexy".

I replied... I almost didn't but he took the time to message me, I should be courteous.  So I replied, "Thanks"

Well this got him all riled up!  Enough to try and start shit with me, though it failed.  He responded with, "Oh so you like knowing people do that to your photos?!"

And I shot back with this....  And I giggle about it till this day...   "It's like road kill.  It happens every day, but there is not anything I can do to stop it."

I did not hear back from him.

The reality is, after working at MySpace for several years on the back end of social media, it is a sick place this social media crap!  Pedophiles, perverts, stalkers, people who hold grudges, bullies... they all fester here.  People become someone they are not.  You appear to be things you are not.  And this is where we base our social interactions from.  But it is mostly face.

You see people posting about how happy they are and almost feel bad about yourself for struggling in your relationship because those friends on your list are always happy....  No they are not.  They just don't air their dirty laundry on the net!  Even if it isn't a horribly bad situation, if I said I was upset at Robert because of whatever reason people take that too far!  Am I ever upset at Robert....  I guess I don't really keep track, you see I've been through way worse that the worst in this relationships is laughable.  But there is plenty with friendships I can complain about.  Do I love my friends any less?  No... they are who they are... we'll butt heads, then get over it cause we're friends.

Bands and artists constantly post the good news but they will never say, "Gee thanks everyone for NOT showing up at our show.  It was effin fantastic playing to a crowd of three... we should take it as a hint that we suck, but we don't care, we'll keep trying to find people that like us all the while feeling like total failures.  Why even be passionate about anything at all?"

Yeah, why would anyone say anything remotely like that?So they look for things to try and elevate themselves in hopes it changed their results in the future.But it is just social media and not reality.  This is a giant reality tv show like place.

Am I negative?  No, but I can be.  Or yes, but I don't have to be...  Or maybe not really?  I mean is this post negative?  Am I not allowed to vent?  I feel better when I do, so is that not a positive?  But people do not understand that.  

I did not write this note on my Maria profile because that is for family, and while some family gets it, others don't and they will tell me not to get so personal on the net.  Well why the hell not?  This is my only way to connect with others.  Even in social interactions, there is not enough time to discuss more meaningful topics such as this.  This is more important to me that what was on TV last night, or the game, or celebrity gossip.  I mean, come on, these are my thoughts and feelings.  This is how you get to know me and I want to know you so in you telling me your thoughts and feelings I get to know you!

Surface is great for the office, but if you hang with me, lets have no reason to see a therapist!  Lets drink, vent, and be merry!I don't meant to knock on anyone's world view here, but this is where I wish understanding was a common ability.  

Not to go off on a tangent, I am trying to stick to the point...  I like to study all religions, all philosophies.  Whether or not I believe them is irrelevant.  You see, understanding someone's convictions or the base there of, is understanding how they work, why they work that way, and how to know them better.  It may not truly be their essence since it is influenced by outside information but at least now you know how to handle them.So being overly happy isn't always helpful.  You can stay surface that way.  Being overly down cuts you off...Being realistic, you see it all.  You can find yourself appreciating the happiness because you know the shit that you have to go through to get there.

So am I negative?  I guess not.  A negative person sees no light at the end of the tunnel.  I see the journey, the beginning and the end...  and I complain... and I rejoice...  and I go to sleep and dream.The end.I hope some of that made sense. 

Just cause I felt like sharing this photo... no reason.Just cause I felt like sharing this photo... no reason.

Facebook Comments:
Richie Edquid I've got a lot to respond to this but first got to make it to the office!


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