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Miley Cyrus dream

Miley Cyrus dream

September 13, 2013 at 10:13pm
I took a nap and had a crazy dream.  I was throwing a house party with Robert, and since Derek was coming I said I'd invite Miley Cyrus jokingly since I figured she'd never show up at a civilian's home.  But she did!

 She called my cell asking what unit and I met up with her to lead the way.  I looked at her and asked, "You're Miley? She giggled, her whole posy chuckled and she said yes.  I recognized her... she looked more like Dakota Fanning, but I said I knew her and had met her years and years ago through some family or church thing.  She looked at me as though she agreed.

 We got to the house and everyone took off their shoes and put them in my laundry cart since it was convenient.  I was scared the party would be lame.  Derek was shocked she showed up... he has been saying he wants to party with her.  We played music and ate pizza.  There was an Ostrich there and a man holding two potted trees.

 I felt there were too many people I didn't know in our house and Robert finally said I should call it. But I went outside because Derek was looking at the neighbors yard diagonally  across from us.  It had been fenced off  with chicken wire and  there were three small almost Chihuahua like dogs running around and some cants hiding in the bushes... there were more bushes than normal.  We wanted to get the dogs out because they seemed to need a bath or perhaps medical attention.

 But I kept getting caught in really thick spider webs and started freaking out.  There were only two strands and I didn't want to break the webs but I kept running into them.  Derek tried to calm me down to help me out of them, Robert even came to my aid.

One of the guests decided to yell outside some announcement...  I broke up the party saying they all had to leave but was worried they would not.   Being only 11:30 pm, Miley obliged and we chatted before she left.  I said she should sing Metal.  She laughed and said no.  I said not for real but in Karaoke, she said she wouldn't know what to sing I said Metallica.

They left, and the guy with the trees didn't catch up to them and tripped spilling his trees everywhere.  He decided to set up tents and try to re-pot the trees before rejoining the group.  Robert decided to go get more pizza cause he didn't like the looks of the left-over's and when he came back we tried to sit in the living room in piece... with the East Indian  guy still in his tent.

 I realized the people were still walking outside but now they were dressed like pan, and wearing lights like Christmas lights and carrying rams horns.  I poked out and asked where they were going and one said they were going hiking...  I woke up after that...

Anbu Srinivasan likes this.
Chris Terrell Ok. No more super-spicy salsa beforr bed.
Maria D Skidmore LOL Derek... I blame you for this dream.
Maria D Skidmore I think you are onto something, but it has to be Dakota Fanning as Miley Cyrus. tongue emoticon


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