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Opportunity Knocks, and I answer the door... =)

I video-ed myself talking about this whole thing, but now I opt to write.

First...  Getting to fly in a single engine propeller plane was AWESOME!!!

Second.  I signed up with ACN thanks to my cousin insisting on it and helping me out...  I'm excited.  And no it is not a scheme, I research my business decisions thoroughly.  It's just like selling Jafra except with utilities, telecommunications, etc...  And the pay structure is better because it's all residuals rather than a one time commission per sale.  Since a service is ongoing, the commissions are ongoing.  I am a licensed life agent, and where I didn't like the idea of selling insurance, I liked the idea of risidual income, which I can get with ACN.  Plus Donal Trump endorses it and featured ACN in the Apprentice in two different seasons.

Anyway, when I went to the training I was in a room with a bunch of self made folks.  Some on their way to and some at the millionaire mark.  I did not have time to, but next time I am going to introduce myself and pick everyone's brain.

Not realated to all that, I finally finished Gossip Girl.  Obviously I can't watch season five until it's on Netflix.  I found myself drawn to the characters but most specifically Chuck and Blair.  I can relate to Blair's character.   Ugh, don't hate me for watching that show.  It's not even a guilty pleasure, I just like it being in the background while I work on stuff...  Go figure.  I think it's cause I don't have to pay attention to it to get the jist of what is happening.  Drama, betrayal more bs.... It's easy to follow.

And finally, I have to admit this.  I have to get this off my chest.  I may be the one who finally decided to put the nail in the coffin as far as Nate and I go, but I miss him and I am not all the way over him.  You see, I wanted to marry him and have kids, but alas, we had too many communication problems and misunderstandings.  Ultimately my feelings got the best of me and I ended up with the belief that we were better off without one another.  I admit, I feel I've accomplished more now that I am single, but I miss him and the moments that we shared.  Moments such as watching and discussing documentaries.  And even imagineering.

So there, I got it off my chest.  I accept it's just not ever gonna happen.  Why would he ever want me back?  And I certainly will not chase him.  Tonight I said it and then thought about it... I said, "I know I am not marrying anyone I know right now."

So whatever future husband I will have, whatever father of my unborn children exists, I just haven't met him yet.

So... In conclusion.  I can completely picture myself closer to the 1% and as much of a hippie as I am, I choose freedom.  Freedom to me means simply living, but I understand that the way society is is set up if I choose to fall off the grid I only help myself.  If I play the game and become successful then I can help millions.  I choose to contribute to the lives of others.  I've been helped so much by my parents, my friends and family.  I want to give back, to them and to everyone else.  So, I won't stop until I can do that!

And now I'm off.

Goodnight everyone!



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