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Sticks and Stones to break bones...

I am alive and well...  I know I am alive because I am all scraped and bruised from recent injuries and my heart has been injured as well.

News:  Saturday, I decided to ride on my roller blades with no protective gear while letting Sophie pull me behind Nate as he rode my Jango bike....  She pulled me alright!  After getting excited over a Golden Retriever, she took off and down I went.  The bruise on my chin appears to be a beard at first glance.  Oddly enough, I like the experience of it.  I may not be 15 anymore but boy does it feel good to be alive and active.

Tonight, after almost a week of bike riding with her, I took her for a ride once again.  She saw a rabbit and pulled, I yelled at her to stop but it was too late.  At the speed we were going her light tug was all it too to throw my balance off.  I over compensated and everything was all of a sudden slow motion.  You see, even when I fell on Saturday, it could have been worse but my mind doesn't panic, it accepts what is going to happen and plans accordingly.  My chin is only bruised because of my hand, but I could have broken my jaw.  Tonight however, I prevented my face from completely sliding across the pavement... it did slide but it was a light brush.  My shoulder hit and my hands pushed away to stop my face from getting seriously injured.  There was blood...  a couple pebbles punctured my skin.  I am grateful for that because if my skin would have remained unbroken, then bruising and swelling would have accord.  

Oddly enough, I feel good about it all.  


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