So I was doing fine, losing weight, slimming down... slowly, properly... January decided to be fat month. And while I am not heavier or bigger than my clothes allow for, I decided to stop being so damn accepting of myself. Yes I love myself, I love my curves, I even love my chubbiness believe it or not... so am I happy with myself? No. Why not? Is it self esteem issues? Did the media get to me and now I think I should be stick thin? F no! I do not accept my current health and weight because I do have self esteem. Because I know my potential and am 100% confident I can reach it. I do not want to be a gym rat, I hate working out. Let me be honest here. It's fun to do from time to time but I hate routine, and hate the idea of having to workout to a routine. So my solution is to have more fun to lose weight. What? But how does having fun cause weight loss? Well to me it is fun to go for a walk, to ride my bike, to cook a delicious meal, to go to the be