Lets clear this up... I am not so much a feminist as I am an equalist. Women.Women sit here and complain about men and how they are treated by men when the reality is those women allow it to happen, and I am not saying this as some people would say rape is the victims fault... NO! I am saying, if he is not treating you as a person, cut him off! BUT... Same goes for men. Men complain about women too. OK, if you feel she is taking advantage of you then cut her off. If you cannot stand her, then break up with her. Stop wasting her time and hiding behind wanting to be the good guy cause really you are being more of a jerk that way... and again.. same for women. Women who date the nice guy... I don't really like him, no chemistry, but he's sooo nice, I can't hurt him. To those chicks... you're a jerk! And you'll ruin him for the next girl who can appreciate him more. So my point. Objectification goes both ways. Exploitation is a two way street. Everyone can...