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Showing posts from March, 2011

A dog's day at work

Sophia came to work with me....  She ended up bored... Not bored but this is me at my desk. We went for a little walk and these are photos I took while she happily sniffed around. Not super impressive but this was fun... these were unedited and I used my wide angle fish eye/macro attachment with my nikor 18-55mm kit lens.

Fire Angel Visitation

I posted this on my wall: "Another dream... Last night I dreamed of a fire angel. It was so beautiful yet fierce. I told it I knew it lived in the clouds, that I've seen the fire above them and it flew away. It spoke to me in thoughts and feelings, and I knew what it was here to do. Ah dreams... I want to be able to sleep longer when I have these types of dreams." Upon further contemplation I've come to this interpretation of my dream... The angel is an idea or intention visiting me to remind me to keep the passion... but also to enlighten, purify and transform me.  When I recognized the angel it slipped back into the clouds, almost as though it was upset at me, I think this is because I resist this process.  I always resist... I've been resisting for 10 years, perhaps longer...  I accept bits and pieces but do not complete this tranformation of mine. There was more to the dream that effects this message and that this message effects in return but I am...

MSI list Goal is to have as many as possible.

1. My primary job...  Admin @ Morasi 2. Jafra Consultant/Manager(I need to get back up to that level first) 3. Blogger income (hey it's getting bigger) 4. 5.  store (I need to reactivate it and keep up with it) 6. My own photography... (need a computer to better work with outside of Morasi) -photography studio.  I got the green light on a space... I will earn some money off of managing the rental space -my own photography within the studio (need to build portfolio + market) 7. band promotions/productions etc...  (I want to put on shows from time to time... this is something I need help with.  I won't be marketing my own stuff, I want to market other bands.) 8. Videography/editing (need a computer same deal as with photography) 9. Music sales.  (Need to finalize copywrites with cowriters) -need to record my own stuff...  need to network with people/hire people to play parts I cannot play myself for th...