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Showing posts from April, 2017

BFC Ink Doll Collection Complete!!

Well, if it isn't obvious, I got into doll collection, but I suppose I always was a doll collector, just not really by choice as my mom would buy me a porcelain doll every year for my birthday until I moved away for college, but even then I still got porcelain dolls as gifts from her and other members of my family. Over the years of course I have collected dolls from the 80's like the Kimberly doll by Tommy, and of course Barbie...  then I got into repainting Bratz dolls the past couple of years and added Monster High to the list of dolls to look for at flea markets etc... But one day, by chance I came across the now out of production MGA Entertainment 18" BFC Ink (Best Friends Club Ink) dolls.  These dolls are way cuter, in my opinion, than American Girl Dolls (which I really do not like at all actually) or Journey Girls etc...  They have a hard body all the way and were made in two types.  The first productions were just all vinyl bodies, much like the Wellie W...

A Day in Balboa Park with the Tribe

Since Alice moved in she's been planning to get her son Jake for the weekend, but with getting settled, finding work, and relying on me for transportation, it has not been so easy.  Finally thanks to Spring break we worked it out where we would get him and spend time with him for a week. We had fun in Balboa Park, but don't know how frequently we'll be able to go get him.  Goal number 1 is to get Alice a car.  The Job hunt is still on!