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Showing posts from June, 2016

And a new Kitten joins us! Meet Nagisa!

Recently my stripey cat, Togame (toe-gah-mee), had two kittens, but they didn't make it past 24 hours since she was too young to have kittens.

That moment when I realize I have been content for a while and did not even know it!

I had been wondering where my ambition went, where my desire went. Not that I don't get spikes of those, but over all, I didn't recognize this feeling... Well there is one desire still, but I accepted I can't do anything about it and accepted it is not in my future and if it is, I will just have to let life play out... But this odd feeling of not wanting anything more was not a bad feeling... What could the feeling be? I was calm, and I just didn't have any crazy aspiratio ns. Then it occurred to me that I am content.  I am content!  And I don't mean I am material in a website, I mean I am happily satisfied. I know I said this before but I just realized how long I have been content and didn't even realize it. I was so used to being in my head I was wondering if I was depressed or something even though I didn't feel gloomy. Not that I have not been happy before, but there was always something, there was always drama, or something from outside source...

The Crash Recovery Live! I performed with my band at Del mar Fair!