Just to confirm. I love my apartment. I love my job! And I love my hair. I spent time in Yuma on the 5th and crossed over to Mexico with my aunt Elizabeth and her family. Upon waiting in line on the way back I spotted this bottle outside a liquor store. Ivan and I went over for a photo op. I fully enjoyed spending time with my family, it indeed re-energized me. Settling in back in my apartment, I had a moment of vanity and took these selfies... I love myself. Honestly, somewhere along the lines of fear and blame... I forgot that I love myself. I am glad I remembered again. I love that I can stand on my own. It makes me feel ready now, something I was not before perhaps? But I do feel that for myself, this is a completing factor for me. Maybe Nate was right. We needed to know we can live apart this way and date and maybe this will strengthen us. It's been rough lately. But I am liking all of this. ...